
yíng qīn
  • Greeting;go to the bride's home to escort her back to the wedding;send a party to escort the bride to the groom's house
迎亲 [yíng qīn]
  • [send a party to escort the bride to the groom's house] 旧俗结婚时男家用花轿鼓乐等到女家迎接新娘

  • 那日已是近娶吉期,袭人本不是那一种泼辣人,委委曲曲的上轿而去,心里另想到那里再作打算。--《红楼梦》

迎亲[yíng qīn]
  1. 上门迎亲。

    The bridegroom goes to the bride 's home to escort her to the wedding .

  2. 迎亲的人便吹打着走了。

    Wedding under the banner of the people blowing away .

  3. 枪鸣三声,迎亲的队伍回来了。

    When gunfire has3 , the group of welcome team will come .

  4. 到女方家去迎亲。

    To the bride 's family to greet her .

  5. 又一次,迎亲队伍到来前放烟花。

    Once again , firecrackers were set off just before the procession arrived .

  6. 与此同时,新郎也在准备迎亲。

    On the other hand , the bridegroom prepares himself to receive his wife .

  7. 是谁在故地迎亲?

    Who greets at the old haunt ?

  8. 吹歌通常是在迎亲、喜庆或迎神等场合演奏。

    Winds are usually in the wedding songs , happy or welcome playing God and so on .

  9. 鞭炮喧天,锣鼓齐鸣标志着迎亲队伍的出发。

    The dim of firecrackers , loud gongs and drums marked the start of the procession from the groom 's home .

  10. 迎亲队伍到达新郎家时,会燃放鞭炮欢迎新娘的到来。

    When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom 's , firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride 's arrival .

  11. 他们在教堂与新郎一方的迎亲队伍汇合后,双方互相祝贺,象征着连接彼此的亲戚关系正式形成。

    They meet the groom 's procession at the church and greetings , symbolizing the kinship which now unites the two families , are exchanged .

  12. 迎亲:婚礼举行之前,会有家庭比较好的喜婆铺婚床,在床上撒有象征意义的水果。

    Wedding ceremony : Before the wedding , agood luck woman who has a nice family will arrange the bridal bed and scatter symbolic fruits on the bed .

  13. 迎亲最有意思的一段发生在新娘家的门前。新娘家的门通常都由伴娘或新娘的姐妹们把守。

    The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of the bride 's residence , which is heavily guarded by the bridesmaid or the bride 's sisters .

  14. 新郎带领着迎亲队伍,随同的还有一个小孩象征着他以后的儿子,仆人抬着新娘轿子,带着横幅和灯笼,有吹奏家,还有舞狮团。

    The groom led the procession accompanied by a child as an omen of his future sons , and the bridal sedan chair was proceeded by attendants with lanterns and banners , musicians , and a " dancing " lion or unicorn .