
shàn zi
  • fan
扇子 [shàn zi]
  • [fan] 用来摇动生风使人体感觉凉爽的用具,通常呈不完全的圆形,并由安装在细杆或细条上的材料(如羽毛、纸张和丝绸)构成

扇子[shàn zi]
  1. 她从扇子后匆匆看了他一眼。

    She glanced at him from behind her fan .

  2. 他用扇子把苍蝇拍走。

    He flapped the flies away with a fan .

  3. 天气太热了,莫不停地给我拿饮料出来,还拿扇子给我扇风。

    Mo kept bringing me out refreshments and fanning me as it was that hot .

  4. 主要研究结果如下:(1)品种鉴别:从八个扇子花品种的叶片提取基因组DNA,运用ISSR技术检测了这些品种的遗传差异。

    Main results were as following : ( 1 ) Variety identification : DNA was extracted from leaves of the eight fan flowers , and genetic differences were analyzed by means of ISSR technology .

  5. 同时,对耐寒性较差但观赏性很好的扇子花品种梦幻白,开展了农杆菌介导的转ADC基因研究,以期提高其的抗逆性。

    In addition , researches were carried out on agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of ADC gene to " Dream White ", a variety with good ornamental characters but poor cold-resistance , to improve its stress-resistance .

  6. 当CSC专业版得到足够自由的时间增加时,他的自己评论到这个基于杂志的正式地点,扇子能期望与跑和事业更改混合的某离奇的幽默。

    When the CSC pro gets enough free time to add his own comments to this journal-based official site , fans can expect some offbeat humor mixed with the racing and career updates .

  7. 虽然在记者会和演唱会结束送别的时候,都曾经和ASKA握过手,但也许ASKA并不知道作为扇子设计者的我在其中吧,呵呵!

    Although I had two lucky chances to make handshaking with ASKA , but I think ASKA maybe not know the fan 's designer was in the crowd which many fans to make handshaking with him .

  8. 扇子在哪里?他们在钥匙扣的后面。

    Where the fans ? They 're behind the key chains .

  9. 日本人用它做漂亮的扇子和笛子。

    People in Japan make lovely fans and flutes with it .

  10. 桌子上放着吕宋烟盒和扇子。

    There are a cigar-box and a fan on the table .

  11. 加入到她们的行列中去?也拿着扇子跳舞?

    Join them ? Dancing with a fan in my hand ?

  12. 我们扇扇子时为什么感到凉快些?

    Why do we feel cooler when we fan ourselves ?

  13. 打开扇子,便会呈现三面不同的图案。

    When opened , there will appear three different diagrams and paintings .

  14. 杭州王星记扇子制作工艺初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of the Fan-Making Craft of Hangzhou 's Wang Xing Ji

  15. 三个毛绒绒的飞禽从月亮女神脆弱的扇子上掉下来。

    Three fluffy feathers fell from phoebe 's flimsy fan .

  16. 这是我们今天观众的纪念品之一-扇子。

    This fan is one of souvenirs for our audience .

  17. 巨人似的口风,奇形怪状的熄烛帽,超人用的扇子。

    The gigantic bellows , the monstrous extinguishers , the superhuman fans .

  18. 我可不想看到你出汗给她扇扇子

    I do not want you perspiring . Fan her .

  19. 她用扇子打他的手指关节。

    She rapped him over the knuckles with her fan .

  20. 给我带路,拿着我的扇子,快些走。

    Peter , take my fan , and go before and apace .

  21. 她用扇子扇走睡着的孩子身上的苍蝇。

    She fanned the flies away from her sleeping child .

  22. 你是玩扇子,玩棍子还是玩鞋的?

    Do you play with fans , sticks or shoes ?

  23. 拿着扇子的手优雅地放在膝上。

    Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees .

  24. 从圈地中向外排气的扇子。

    A fan that moves air out of an enclosure .

  25. 这些扇子都绣有龙、熊猫或金鱼等。

    These fans embroidered with dragons , pandas or goldfishes .

  26. 屋内一柄落尘的扇子,依稀桃花正浓。

    Inside a fallout of the fan , one is strong peach .

  27. 我们有多种类型的扇子。圆的、方的和叶子状的。

    But we have many round , square or shaped-like a leaf .

  28. 扇子落在地上,也被花瓣埋了一半。

    Her fan had dropped on the ground aside .

  29. 我猛然打开[合上]扇子。

    I flipped my fan open [ shut ] .

  30. 我们的扇子分三大类:纸扇,绸扇和檀香木扇。

    We have three major types : paper , silk and sandalwood fans .