
  • covered bridge;LOUNGE BRIDGE
  1. 泗溪镇廊桥文化园保护与发展研究

    Study on Preservation and Development of Lounge Bridge Cultural Park in Sixi Town

  2. 木拱廊桥在世界桥梁史上占有重要地位。

    Timber Arch Lounge Bridge occupies an important place in the world 's bridge history .

  3. 浙西南廊桥文化艺术

    Wind-rain Bridge Culture and Art in Southwestern Part of Zhejiang Province

  4. 以多道设防为指导思想,完成了对青岛帆船中心斜拉索廊桥的结构设计。

    The design for gallery bridge is accomplished with the guideline of multi-defenses .

  5. 请在这里稍候。您要等到廊桥接好后才能下机。

    Please wait here for a while until the boarding bridge is in position .

  6. 丽水廊桥的保护与开发

    The Conservation and Development of Lishui'bridges with Esves

  7. 事实上我正好想顺路拍一些廊桥的照片

    I actually wanted to take some pictures of that covered bridge on the way .

  8. 他是一名摄影师,一九六五年曾来这里拍摄廊桥。

    He was a photographer , and be was here in1965 photographing the covered bridges .

  9. 他试图想点别的事:摄影、道路或者廊桥,想什么都行。

    He tried to think of something else , photography or the road or covered bridges .

  10. 我国古代廊桥是桥梁建筑技术和艺术的瑰宝。

    The ancient corridor bridge of China is the treasure of bridge construction technology and art .

  11. “为午后傍晚的廊桥,或者更恰当地说,为在温暖的红色晨光里的廊桥。”

    " To covered bridges in the late afternoon or , better yet , on warm , red mornings . "

  12. 现在是我可以从容不迫的时候,照那些廊桥的期限还有三星期呢。

    This is a slow time for me , and my deadline for the bridge pictures is still three weeks away .

  13. 年初,重庆龙港国家地质公园还开放了世界最长的玻璃廊桥。

    Earlier this year , the Longgang National Geological Park in Chongqing , unveiled the world 's longest glass-bottomed cantilever skywalk .

  14. 您仍然需要在机舱内等几分钟,因为廊桥还没有对接好。

    You still need to wait on board for a few more minutes until the air bridge is put in position .

  15. 真好,这里真美,他说,他的声音在这座廊桥里面回荡。

    " It 's real nice , real pretty here ," he said ; his voice reverberating inside the covered bridge .

  16. 有些人会亲吻机身,还有些人每次飞行时都要在廊桥上跳一小段同样的舞蹈。

    Some kiss the fuselage , or even break into the same little dance , at the doorway every time they fly .

  17. 为今后的廊桥设计提供依据,于今后廊桥的发展具有十分重要的意义。

    Provide the basis for future bridge designs , andin the future is of great significance to the development of the bridge .

  18. 女士们,先生们:本架飞机已经完全停稳(由于停靠廊桥),请您从前(中,后)登机门下飞机。

    Ladies and Gentlemen : The plane has stopped completely , please disembark from the front ( middle , rear ) entry door .

  19. 泰顺古廊桥世界遗产价值分析与保护开发对策研究

    The Research into the Countermeasures of the Protection and Value-analysing of " Legacy of the World " & the Ancient Lounge Bridge in Taishun

  20. 论文认为闽东木拱廊桥的民间信仰体现了我国天人合一和谐观。

    Thesis accounts that the folk beliefs of timber arch lounge in the east of Fujian Reflect the concept of harmony between man and nature .

  21. 泰顺有900多座超过百年历史的廊桥,还有一座廊桥博物馆。

    Taishun County has more than 900 covered bridges , many of them hundreds of years old , as well as a covered bridge museum .

  22. 弗朗西丝卡钻进了廊桥。当她从另一端出来时,他正蹲在那里拿相机对着她。

    Francesca went into the covered bridge , and when she came out the other end , he was crouched and pointing a camera toward her .

  23. 他为报答我写那曲子,把一张古老的廊桥照片儿装好镜框送给我,现在就挂在那儿。

    He framed a photograph of an old covered bridge and gave it to me for writin ' the song . It 's hangin ' right over there .

  24. 闽东木拱廊桥是珍贵的民间文物,其相关的民间信仰内容也是宝贵的非物质文化遗产。

    The timber arch lounge in the east of Fujian are precious folk relic , and its related folk belief content is also a valuable intangible cultural heritage .

  25. 中庭作为“公共单元”的一部分,通过一个现有医药学系大楼的廊桥,与四层楼相连接。

    The atrium forms a part of the " human strand " and connects on four levels via an occupied bridge link to the existing Faculty of Medicine Building .

  26. 温州拥有特色乡村旅游资源,如楠溪江的古村落、泰顺的廊桥等和优美的环境、丰富的物产和多彩的民俗,温州市民经济基础雄厚、休闲娱乐需求旺盛等。

    Wenzhou owns specialized rural tourism resources , for example , the ancient villages in Nanxi River , the Corridor Bridge in Tai-shun and beautiful environment , abundant products and colorful folklores .

  27. 中国木拱廊桥主要分布在我国福建省东北及浙江省西南一带,具有非常明显的地域特征。

    There is a highly distinct regional characteristic for the distribution of Chinese Wooden-arched Corridor Bridge , which is mainly seen in the northeast of Fujian province and the southwest of zhejiang province .

  28. 构建廊桥寻梦之旅、氡温泉休闲度假旅游、畲族民俗风情游等旅游精品;

    Organize the great tourism products such as : the tour of Lang bridge , the vacation at the radon hot spring , the trip of She nation folk custom , and so on .

  29. 留存至今的各种传统桥梁尚有数万座,绵延近千年,类型除索桥外,无所不包,其中还有独特的木拱廊桥。

    There are tens of thousands of various traditional bridges , survived for nearly one thousand years . Apart from the rope bridge , the types are all-encompassing , especially including the unique timber-arched corridor bridge .

  30. 面对这些问题,笔者提出,一方面在保护古廊桥和其他乡土建筑的基础上,对业已形成的新镇区一条街进行风貌整治;

    To solve these problems , the authors give their proposal : on one hand , to renovate the main street in the ancient town based on the preserving of the Lounge Bridges and other vernacular architectures ;