
  • The Bridges of Madison County;Bridges of Madison County,The
  1. 形象思维在文学作品中的运用&以《廊桥遗梦》为例

    Application of Imagery thinking in literature Works & For The Bridges of Madison County

  2. 《廊桥遗梦》中后现代女性主义的体现

    Postmodern Feminism in The Bridges of Madison County

  3. 我没听说过谁拿《廊桥遗梦》与别的作品相比。

    I have not heard about any comparisons with Bridges .

  4. 结构独特用词巧妙&试析《廊桥遗梦》的文体特征及艺术价值

    On the Stylistic Features and Artistic Value of The Bridges of Madison County

  5. 对电影《廊桥遗梦》对白的话语分析

    Discourse Analysis of the Dramatic Dialogues in the Film the Bridges of Madison County

  6. 《廊桥遗梦》:连记忆都可以忘掉,但爱与伦理却不能!

    The Bridges of Madison County : you can forget anything , but not love and morality .

  7. 廊桥遗梦/麦迪逊镇之桥

    Bridges of Madison County

  8. 我在看《廊桥遗梦》,因为这是唯一能弄哭我的。

    I 'm watching " The Bridges of Madison County " because it 's the only thing that makes me cry .

  9. “廊桥遗梦”和“日出之前”是唯一两部堪称具有理智情感的影片。

    Besides The Bridges of Madison County , the only other one ( thus far ) this year is Richard Linklaters Before Sunrise .

  10. 我曾经开过一门繁难的决策论课程达数年,我在前面说过,《廊桥遗梦》的主题是最繁难的选择。

    I taught a rigorous course in decision theory for years , and as I said earlier Bridges is a book about hard choices .

  11. 人们对它的嘉许也遗忘在往昔的记忆里,《廊桥遗梦》:连记忆都可以忘掉,但爱与伦理却不能!

    All the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left , The Bridges of Madison County : you can forget anything , but not love and morality .

  12. 失落的浪漫&从人性异化角度探究《廊桥遗梦》之消极浪漫主义表现摩天大楼还是电能的过度消费者与浪费费。

    The Lost Romance : Manifestation of Passive Romanticism in The Bridges of Madison County with the View of Alienation of Humanity ; Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers , and wasters , of electric power .