
  • 网络Glass Bottle;gorgeous
  1. 留下一个清澈透明的空空如也的玻璃樽。

    Leaving a clear , transparent and empty glass bottles .

  2. 请勿带玻璃樽、罐装之饮料及燃点著的香烟进入跳舞场中。

    Never come onto the dance floor carrying drink , glasses , cans or lighted cigarettes .

  3. 星星在哪里都是很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看他们。&影片:玻璃樽。

    The stars are bright wherever you go , as long as you raise your head .

  4. 也可选择特色的盒装花、小花篮或连玻璃樽的花束,便于摆放。

    You can also choose specially-designed box flowers , little flower baskets or bouquets arranged in a glass , ready to display .

  5. 冬日里的雪迎着春日复苏的热情,解冻了冰冷的玻璃樽一样的透明世界。

    Snow in winter facing the spring revival of enthusiasm , like the thawing of ice-cold bottle of transparency in the world .