
  • 网络Glass Block;GLASS PANE
  1. 那首领拿一些玻璃块替换了那些钻石。

    The chief interchanged the diamond with some pieces of glass .

  2. 在黑暗中,这些玻璃块会发出蓝色的微光。

    In the dark , these glass blocks glow blue .

  3. 作者应用气相色谱法测定健康兔和眼球内埋玻璃块的兔视网膜脂质中脂肪酸的组成和含量。

    Composition and content of fatty acids in retina of rabbits were determined by gas chromatography . Both healthy rabbits and rabbits with glass implanted in their vitreum were involved .

  4. 光学玻璃块的重量直接关系到光学镜片的厚度、曲率及半径等,从而影响光学仪器的质量。

    The weight of the optical glass blocks is directly related to the thickness , curvature , radius of the optical lens , which affects the behaviors of optical instruments .

  5. 当要加工的玻璃块较多时,求解背包问题的算法不同,群体中解的质量有较大差异,并且对布局设计问题的求解及整个系统的优化结果都有较大影响;

    When the number of glass-block that will be incised is more , different algorithms used to solve the knapsack problem , the differences of the solutions are great , and which have great influence on the solution of layout design problem and the optimized result of the system .

  6. 就实现了玻璃固定块和升降块间的角度调整。

    Therefore , the angle between the glass fixing block and the lifting block can be adjusted .

  7. 本文的指导思想是研制工业预成的可切削四硅氟云母微晶玻璃瓷块,直接用于牙科CAD/CAM系统加工成型,简便、快速地制作牙科全瓷修复体。

    The key idea of this study was to make prefabricated machinable mica glass-ceramic blocks directly used for dental CAD / CAM systems to produce dental restorations simply and quickly .

  8. 一块玻璃、一块镀锡铁皮、一块铜片、一张纸

    A sheet of glass , tin , copper , paper

  9. 这个政治中心的玻璃和混凝土块甚至都展现出了一副繁荣的景象。

    Even the glass and concrete blocks of the central political district seemed to glow with prosperity .

  10. 目的:采用烧结法制备齿科CAD/CAM用氟硅云母玻璃陶瓷切削块。

    Objective To fabricate fluorosilicic mica glass-ceramic blanks used for CAD / CAM dental restorations by sintering .

  11. 同时玻璃和固定块是连接到一起相对固定的,就可以实现玻璃的角度调整。

    At the same time , the glass is connected with the fixing block , so that the glass and the fixing block are relatively stationary . Therefore , the angle of the glass can be adjusted .

  12. 该机构表示,周一下午,安全员在正常巡查时,发现玻璃栈道的一块玻璃有少量裂纹。

    On Monday afternoon , it said , safety inspectors were conducting a routine patrol when they came across some small cracks in a pane of glass .

  13. 溶胶-凝胶法是一种材料合成新工艺,现已广泛用作生物植入体、组织工程支架及药物载体的生物活性玻璃粉体、块体玻璃、多孔生物微晶玻璃与涂层的制备。

    Sol-gel method is a new process of synthesizing materials , which has been widely used to prepare bioactive glass powers , monolithic glasses , porous glass-ceramics and coatings as implants , tissue engineering Scaffolds and medicine carriers .

  14. 雪和冷雨模糊了有轨电车的两块挡风玻璃,司机们只好打开玻璃,透过两块玻璃之间的缺口向前张望。

    Snow and sleet obscured the trolleys " two-paneled windshields , forcing drivers to open both panes and peer through the gap between them .

  15. 这种玻璃透明度极高,一片100英里厚的玻璃比一块准的窗框玻璃还要清晰透明。

    The newest fiber optic cables that carry telephone calls cross-country are made of glass so transparent that a piece of100 miles thick is clearer than a standard window pane .

  16. 针对微晶玻璃炸裂出现的现象与规律,进行了试验与分析,指出回头碎玻璃的块度、熔化窑的熔化率、热处理工艺等对炸裂的影响;

    Test and analysis have been taken in view of crack appearance regularly of de-vitrified glass , It points out the crack is effected on lumpiness of recovery cullet , melting rate of furnace , heat treatment technology etc.