
  • tourism building
  1. 现代旅游游乐活动的发展,对旅游建筑提出了更多更新的要求。

    The development of modern tourism activities business has imposed more and more new requirement on tourism building .

  2. 旅游建筑水环境后效与调控模型

    Effect of Tourism Buildings on Water Environment and Its Controlling Model

  3. 基于民俗建筑文化的现代旅游建筑研究

    The Investigation of Modern Travelling Based on the Culture of Chinese Folklore Construction

  4. 蓝天、椰树下的凝固交响&海南旅游建筑发展六人谈

    SYMPHONY UNDER THE SKY AND COCO : talks about the development of Hainan tourism

  5. 作为旅游建筑的一种,游客中心这一建筑类型是在现代旅游业的发展进程中产生的。

    As a kind of tourist buildings , visitors ' center appears in the process of modern tourism developmen .

  6. 研究了旅游建筑系统概念,笔者认为该系统是旅游系统的亚系统。

    The concept of travel construction system was studied in this paper , which was considered as one of the subsystems of travel system .

  7. 对旅游建筑系统的特性、框架以及存在的问题进行了研究,对区域旅游开发具有促进和指导意义。

    The characteristic , framework and problems of travel construction system was studied , which has a promotable and direct meaning for regional travel exploitation .

  8. 自然景观旅游建筑是指自然景观旅游区内为旅游开发需要而建造的建筑,它是人们在大自然环境进行旅游拓展的一种载体。

    Natural landscape tourist architecture is defined as architecture which requires for tourism development in a natural landscape tourist area , it is a carrier for tourism development in the natural environment .

  9. 本文通过对黄土人家的情况介绍,说明这是一座优秀的绿色旅游建筑,是开发利用黄土资源的优秀典范。

    The paper introduces the circumstances about the " Yellow soil Housing " which is showed an excellent green tourist building and an outstanding model exploiting and using the yellow soil resources .

  10. 基于共生关系的设计导则对于当前快速增长的自然景观旅游建筑的建设具有理论和实践两方面的重要现实意义。

    The design guidelines based on the symbiotic relations ' design is this article important achievement , guidelines to the current increasing fast of the natural landscape tourist architectures ' construction has the important theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 自然景观旅游建筑的特性是既与自然环境密切相关,又与旅游活动密切相关,它的出现与存在可以使上述的供需矛盾向缓解或加剧两种截然不同的方向发展。

    The feature of natural landscape tourist architecture is closely related with the natural environment , but also closely related with tourism activities , its emergence and existence can lead the supply and demand contradictions to mitigation or exacerbation the two very different directions .

  12. VRV空调在旅游宾馆建筑中的应用

    The Application of VRV Air-conditioning System to Hotels

  13. 通过旅游宾馆建筑VRV空调系统设计,总结出了同类建筑应用VRV系统的优势所在,为今后同类建筑采用VRV系统提供可借鉴的经验。

    The paper provides a design on the VRV air conditioning system of hotels and an analysis on the advantages of VRV system , which can be a reference for the design of VRV air conditioning system for similar buildings .

  14. 对川西山地旅游旅馆建筑的调查及借鉴

    Investigation and Reference of the Mountain Tourist Hotel in Western Sichuan

  15. 旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调节节能设计标准

    Standard for design of air-conditioning and energy conservation in tourism hotel buildings

  16. 风景区旅游接待建筑规模探讨

    Studies on the Scale of the Tourist Reception Buildings in the Scenic Spot

  17. 当前,虚拟漫游在旅游、建筑、航空航天等方面都有重要应用。

    Currently , virtual tour has an important application in tourism , construction , and aerospace .

  18. 对旅游游乐建筑的一些认识

    Thought on Amusement Building for Tourism

  19. 岳阳楼是江南三大名楼中唯一的一座保持原貌的古建筑,是座集历史、文化、艺术、旅游、建筑诸价值于一身的古建筑精品。

    Between the three famous towers , only Yueyang tower is the original building of Qing Dynasty .

  20. 旅游旅馆建筑设计作为一种商业文化设计的类型,有其文化的属性。

    The design of traveling hotel building has its cultural property as a design type about business culture .

  21. 其中突出的范例包括在农业与粮食安全、卫生、交通运输、旅游、建筑和能源等领域。

    Obvious examples include agriculture and food security , health , transportation , tourism , construction and energy , among others .

  22. 对旅游接待建筑布局的原则和方法进行了分析和探讨。

    This paper makes an analysis of principles and methods on the layout of the tourist reception buildings in the scenic spot .

  23. 共生关系设计理念是指建立在三者达成共生关系的目标前提下,同时满足旅游对建筑的需求、环境对建筑的需求和建筑自身需求的设计理念。

    The symbiotic relationship design concept established under the premise of the target for three objectives to achieve a symbiotic relationship , while meeting the needs of tourism , environment and architecture .

  24. 成功的旅游旅馆建筑设计不仅要能满足其使用功能的需要,更重要的是要具备不同的地域性和文化性以满足人们精神文化方面的需求。

    Successful design of traveling hotel building must not only meet the needs of its function , even more important to possess different regional and cultural aspects which can meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people .

  25. 文摘:风景区旅游接待建筑布局的研究,对有效地组织风景区环境,增进风景环境特色,丰富和完善风景区的整体功能,更好地发挥风景区的整体效益有着积极的作用。

    Abstract : studies on the layout of the tourist reception buildings in the scenic spot plays a positive role in organizing the scenic spot environment , perfecting the scenic spot function , and improving the scenic environment , social benefits and economic effects .

  26. 山地与滨水旅游度假村的建筑空间组织

    Space Design of Building at Mountain Region and Waterside Area

  27. 浅析海南高档旅游度假酒店建筑形式

    Analysis on the Architectural Forms of the High-level Holyday Hotels in Hainan Province

  28. 江南水乡旅游发展与建筑遗产保护、更新

    To Research Developing Tour and Protecting and Renovating Architectural Culture of Heritage of Jiangnan Watertown

  29. 现代旅游饭店外部建筑的造型及装饰受诸多因素的影响,并应遵循一定的原则。

    Modern tourism hotel building 's outward appearance and decoration are affected by many factors . They should obey certain principles .

  30. 西双版纳傣族民俗文化生态旅游规划研究建筑与民俗&建筑空间的文化人类学探讨

    Research on the Planning of Folk Custom Ecotourism of Dai Race in Xishuangbanna Architecture and Folkways - Discussion About Cultural Anthropology of Architectural Space