
  • 网络Travel Channel;Travel Channel HD
  1. 旅游频道是我的最爱之一。

    The Travel Channel is a favorite .

  2. 我认为,目前的门户旅游频道中,扎扎实实自己作内容的,就是搜狐了。

    I believe that the current portal travel channel , a solid content of its own , is the Sohu .

  3. 上世纪90年代,马里奥兄弟和诸如威尔·史密斯、旅游频道(他们展示两种穿戴方式:皮带式的和裤卷式的)、明星的青少年粉丝团等都采用了吊带工装裤。

    By the 90s , they were adopted by the Mario Brothers and the likes of Will Smith in the Fresh Prince and TLC ( there were two ways of wearing dungarees - with one strap undone and one leg rolled up ) ; pop stars with a large teenage fan base .

  4. 该研究由旅游生活频道(TLC)的新相亲节目《脱光》委托进行,研究结果也表明,在一次成功的约会后男方应该首先给对方发短信,而如果女方对其很感兴趣应该在15分钟内回复。

    The research , commissioned by TLC 's new dating show Undressed , also suggests that men should be the first text after a successful date and women should respond within a quarter of an hour if keen .

  5. 这项为“天空旅游”频道所做的调查涉及英国15个城市。

    The research , conducted for the Sky Travel channel , compared 15 cities across the UK .

  6. 克莱尔•莱科克是旅游生活频道以及调查探索频道的主管,她说希望调查结果能帮助单身人士成功驾驭约会现场。

    Clare Laycock , head of channels at TLC & Investigation Discovery , said she hopes the survey results will help singletons successfully navigate the dating scene .

  7. 旅游生活频道《脱光》节目邀请的行为心理学家乔-荷明斯说,在技术时代约会已经变得越来越困难,人们不得不“精心策划”自己想说的话。

    Jo Hemmings , behavioral Psychologist for TLC 's Undressed , says that dating has become increasingly difficult in the technological era , with people having to ' carefully orchestrate ' what they want to say .