
  • 网络tourism translation
  1. 同时,作者还提出了旅游翻译的三个步骤。

    This author finally proposes three important steps of tourism translation .

  2. 民族历史文化与对外旅游翻译&谈大理旅游资料的英译

    History and Culture of Minority Vs Tourism Translation for Publicity

  3. 从旅游翻译看翻译标准多元互补论

    " Multiple Complementary Translation Criteria ": An Investigation from Tourist Translation

  4. 论归化在旅游翻译中的应用

    On the Application of " Domestication " in Tourist Translation

  5. 涉外旅游翻译中地名的英译问题

    The Strategy on the English Translation to Foreign Tourists ' Spots in China

  6. 最后,作者对江西旅游翻译做了案例分析。

    Finally , the author does case studies of some Jiangxi tourism translation .

  7. 旅游翻译的障碍及处理方法

    On the Treatment of Difficulties in Tourist Publication Translation

  8. 关联翻译理论视角下的旅游翻译

    Tourism Translation From Perspective of Relevance Translation Theory

  9. 因此,目前迫切需要对旅游翻译进行深入研究。

    Therefore , the in-depth study of Chinese-English tourism translation is in urgent need .

  10. 文化内涵与旅游翻译策略

    On Cultural Connotation and Tourism Translation Strategies

  11. 翻译,特别是旅游翻译,与文化和宗教有着非常密切的关系。

    Translation , particularly tourism translation , has very close ties with culture and religion .

  12. 不合格的旅游翻译会令外国游客误解和迷惑,甚至冒犯游客。

    Low quality tourist texts may cause misunderstanding and confusion , even offend international tourists .

  13. 语用顺应论与旅游翻译论旅游翻译中文化差异的处理

    Adaptation Theory and Tourist Translation On the Treatment of the Cultural Differences in Tourist Translation

  14. 旅游翻译的重要性在这个时代背景下尤其突出。

    Hence the significance of tourism translation is particularly prominent in the context of this time .

  15. 本文把河南省典型的旅游翻译文本作为对象;从功能对等的理论角度进行了分析。

    This thesis analyzes the typical Henan tourism translation texts from the perspective of functional equivalence .

  16. 广东旅游翻译探讨

    A Discussion on Guangdong Tourism Translation

  17. 旅游翻译是实用翻译的一种,其实践地位日益突显。

    Tourism translation belongs to practical translation . It is becoming increasingly important in translation practice .

  18. 依据目的论,作者找出了汉英旅游翻译的法则。

    In the light of Skopos theory , the author finds out principles of Chinese-English tourism translation .

  19. 文章同时就地方旅游翻译中存在的问题提出了自己的见解。

    It also raises some views on the problems present in tourism-related translation of the local area .

  20. 因此,本研究对汉英旅游翻译有一定的指导作用,从而推动我国旅游业的对外宣传。

    Thus , this research can guide Chinese-English tourism translation , promoting the publicity of tourism industry .

  21. 语用顺应论与旅游翻译

    Adaptation Theory and Tourist Translation

  22. 因此在旅游翻译中必须将目的论作为控制整个翻译过程的首要准则。

    Therefore , teleology must be taken as the first principle of controlling the whole translation process .

  23. 如何更好的宣传河北,让世界了解认识河北,在很大程度上取决于河北旅游翻译的水平。

    How to better introduce Hebei to the world is largely determined by the quality of tourism translation .

  24. 旅游翻译呼唤美译&以成都市旅游景点之英译为例

    Tourism Translation Needs to Be Beautified & Taking English introduction of Chengdu 's scenic spots as an example

  25. 本文探讨了译者语篇翻译意识在旅游翻译中的运用。

    The article discusses the application of a translator 's senses of Discourse Translation in the to risen text .

  26. 旅游翻译应遵循一定的原则与方法.只有正确处理旅游文化中的冲突才能形成文化的有效交流。

    Therefore , the translation of tourism documents should follow definite principles so as to make efficient cultural communication .

  27. 旅游翻译是一项目的性明确的交流活动,其目的的实现主要依赖读者对译文的反应。

    Tourism translation is a communication activity with specific intention whose realization mainly relies on readers'response to the translation .

  28. 汉英旅游翻译中的困难主要来源于汉英旅游文本中的若干方面的差异。

    Difficulty in Chinese-English tourist translation arises mainly from the differences in various aspects between the source and target texts .

  29. 所以,目的论不仅在理论上言之有理,而且在实践上能指导旅游翻译。

    Therefore , Skopos theory is not only reasonable in theory , but also applicable to tourism translation in practice .

  30. 接受美学将注意力放在译文读者的接受上,对旅游翻译有很大的启示意义。

    Aesthetics of reception pays much attention on the reception of target readers , thus exerts great significance on tourist translation .