
  1. 介绍了NID消化过程的特点、生石灰活性的测定方法和实验仪器,并结合某石化热电厂脱硫项目生石灰活性的测试结果,进行了分析。

    The paper presents the characteristic of NID slaking process , determinative method and experimental instrument for activity of quicklime and makes analysis on the basis of the testing results of activity of quicklime on desulfurization project in a petroleum-chemical heat and power plant .

  2. 您要从服务器组件开始,用COM或Java语言建立这些组件,然后用Eclipse环境在RJCB桥项目中生成桥。

    You start with the server component , created in COM or the Java language , then create a bridge inside an RJCB bridge project using the Eclipse environment .

  3. 最早期的对五秒法则的研究报告被认为是吉利安·克拉克写的——她是一名参加伊利诺斯大学的一项研究项目的高中生。

    The earliest research report on the five-second rule is attributed to Jillian Clarke , a high school student participating in a research project at the University of Illinois .

  4. 为了使用“继承选择器”对话框从某个窗体继承,包含该窗体的项目必须已生成为可执行文件或dll。

    In order to inherit from a form with the inheritance picker dialog box , the project containing that form must have been built into an executable file or dll .

  5. 但是,根据我们的调查,大多数参与该项目寻找见习生的雇主都有雇用全职员工的需求。

    But , according to our survey , most of the employers join the program to look for interns because they have a need for regular staff .

  6. 为探讨如何有效地提高青少年短跑运动员的放松能力,本文以10名从事短跑项目的高中生为研究对象,进行了为期8个月的跟踪研究。

    In order to discuss the means on how to effectively improve the young sprinters ' relaxation ability , we have eight months ' tracing research regarding ten sprinters in high school as the research object .

  7. 凯瑟琳•布莱尔目前就读于伦敦大学国王学院,过去一年作为伊拉兹马斯交流项目的交换生一直居住在法国斯特拉斯堡一处父母购置的价值25万英镑的公寓内。

    Kathryn Blair , a student at King 's College London , spent the past year in Strasbourg on an Erasmus exchange scheme , where she lived in a £ 250000 flat bought by her parents .

  8. 剑桥大学为一个为期三年半的研究项目征聘博士生,专攻如何在温暖的环境中阻止朱古力过早溶化;

    Cambridge University is advertising for a PhD student to tackle a three-and-a-half-year research project , into how chocolate can " remain solid and retain qualities sought by consumers , " when stored and sold in warm climates .

  9. 高校通常会开展项目帮助高中生顺利过渡为大学生,新生可以提出从学校伙食到交朋友的各式各样的问题,但是几乎没人花时间来谈作弊的问题,她说。

    In the programs that colleges run to help new students make the transition from high school , students are counseled on everything from food to friendships , but little or no time is spent on cheating , she said .

  10. 跑步、羽毛球、乒乓球、等负荷强度中等,对抗性、竞争性弱的锻炼项目深受高中生喜爱,此类项目便于开展,方便学生在紧张的高中生活中进行。

    Jogging , badminton , table tennis , and other medium-load strength , confrontational , competitive exercise program by a weak high school favorite , easy to carry out such projects , to facilitate high school students in the life of the tension . 4 .

  11. 只要38美元,你就可以帮助一个人看清东西;380美元,你就可以帮助10个人看清东西;1300美元,你就可以帮助一名医生培训出新技能;13000美元,你就可以为一群医生提供一个培训项目,这些医生可以让成千上万的盲人重见光明。

    For just $ 38 , you can help one person see ; for $ 380 10 people can see ; $ 1,300 helps train a doctor new skills ; and for $ 13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again .

  12. 始建于2004年的孔子学院项目也是应时而生的产物。

    Confucius Institute Project , founded in 2004 , was also generated with the tide .

  13. 我们每年花费大量的资金支持我们本科生奖学金项目,当然研究生奖学金项目也一样支持。

    We expend a significant amount of money to support our undergraduate students and of course for our graduate students .

  14. 该项目注重培养博士生的合作、技术和项目管理技能,以帮助他们做好担当教授职位以外角色的准备。

    They aim to prepare students for roles outside the professoriate , stressing skills like collaboration , technology and project management .

  15. 提供经济补助可以避免贫困生辍学。一些如“绿色通道”的项目可以使贫困生获得学费。

    The access to financial aid can prevent poor students from dropping out of colleges and universities . Programmes such as " Green Passage "

  16. 富布莱特留学生项目可以帮助研究生和年富力强的专家在美国做一年或更长时间地研究和学习。

    The Fulbright Foreign Student Program helps graduate students and young professionals do research and study in the United States for a year or longer .

  17. 探讨了融合体验性项目活动的研究生英语教学实践范式,并对构成该实践范式的要素&教学模式和教学要素进行了剖析。

    The paradigm of integrating project work into the language teaching is put forward in the paper , essential elements of the instructional paradigm are discussed .

  18. 国际服务办公室为留学生讲解如何在大学里度过学生生活,并组织一些项目,帮助留学生在新环境里感觉更舒适。

    The Office of International Services helps explain student life at the university . It also organizes programs to help foreign students feel more at ease in their new surroundings .

  19. 在过去几年里,这所学院已启动了两个孵化器项目,第三个项目也即将开启。这些项目为博士生提供场地、法律服务和营销咨询以促进创业。

    It has opened two incubators over the last few years , with a third to open soon , offering space , legal services and marketing advice to facilitate entrepreneurship .

  20. 女性整容项目通常为拉皮,割双眼皮,而男性整容项目通常是生发和抗皱。

    Whereas women more often ask for facelifts and eye lifts , men are more interested in keeping their hair and combating wrinkles .

  21. 虽然它不能担保一个项目的成功,但是度量可以帮助决策者通过积极的方法来管理软件项目中与生具来的关键问题。

    Although it cannot guarantee a project 's success , measurement does help decision makers take a proactive approach to managing critical issues inherent in software projects .