
xiànɡ mù rónɡ zī
  • project finance
  1. ABS项目融资模式中的信号传递模型研究

    Research on Signalling Game Model of ABS in Project Finance

  2. 项目融资中的ABS与BOT模式比较研究

    Research and Comparison of Two Project Finance Models-ABS Model and BOT Model

  3. 资产证券化(ABS)在大型房地产项目融资中的应用

    Application of asset-backed securitization to financing of large-scale real estate project

  4. 基于AHP法下的甘肃高速公路项目融资方式的选择

    The Choice of Project Financing Models on Gansu Highway Based on AHP

  5. 关于BOT与ABS项目融资方式的差异分析

    Analyses of the Differences between Program Financing Modes of BOT and ABS

  6. 我国BOT项目融资相关问题研究

    Study on Problems Related to Bot Project Financing in China

  7. 广东LNG试点工程项目融资风险研究

    Risks Research of Item Financing in Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas Test Project

  8. 公路项目融资若干问题的研究&国际信贷与BOT方式

    Some Issues of Highway Project Finance ── International Funding and BOT Project Finance

  9. 遗传算法在项目融资(BOT)中的应用研究

    Study on application of genetic algorithm in project finance

  10. 深入分析了我国ABS项目融资中的三个关键问题。

    The thesis takes three key issues into deep analysis in regard to ABS project financing .

  11. 政策性住房建设项目融资的PPP模式探析

    The Study on PPP Model in Project Financing of Policy Housing

  12. 项目融资中的BOT方式探讨

    Exploration of the BOT mode in project financing

  13. 项目融资中的BOT模式及其风险管理

    BOT Pattern and Risk Management in Project Financing

  14. BOT项目融资模式风险分析

    The risk analysis on the BOT financing model

  15. 我国通信行业融资方式比较与3G项目融资方式选择研究

    The Study on the Comparison of Financing for Chinese Communication and Pattern Selection for 3G Project Finance

  16. HD集团配套部件项目融资模式研究

    Study on the Financing Mode of the Matching Parts Project for HD Group

  17. PPP模式下公共项目融资信息模型的构建探索

    Research on Building Information Model of Financing for Public Projects under PPP

  18. BOT项目融资的博弈分析

    The Game Modle of BOT Project Finance

  19. BOT项目融资是一种比较适合教育产业的新型的融资方式。

    BOT project financing is a new financing method comparatively appropriate to the educational industry .

  20. PPP项目融资模式的风险分担优化模型

    Risk Allocation Optimizing Model in PPP Project Financing Pattern

  21. 所以,我们必须改革以往的以政府为主导的融资模式,采用新的融资模式。在国际上流行的项目融资中的BOT模式是一种可行的方式。

    Therefore , we must change old finance mode mainly by government , Adopting newly finance pattern .

  22. BOT这种集项目融资、建设及运营于一体的模式已经越来越多地被我国政府运用于基础设施建设中,所以对BOT项目风险研究是非常必要的。

    The BOT approach is widely brought into the field of infrastructure construction by Chinese government now .

  23. 基于TBT模式的基础设施项目融资研究

    The Research of Infrastructure Projects Financing Based on TBT Model

  24. 随后,论文在对基础设施的项目融资风险进行识别基础上,主要运用VaR(ValueAtRisk)评价方法对风险进行评估。

    Secondly , the paper is on the foundation of identifying the risk of the Project Financing in infrastructure , evaluating the risk by VaR ( Value at Risk ) .

  25. 在介绍BOT项目融资的概念和演变形式之后,分析了BOT项目融资的特点、适用范围、主要当事人及其融资结构。

    Then follows an analysis on the features , fitted areas , concerned parties and the financing structure .

  26. BOT作为国际上一种特定的项目融资方式,在发达国家和发展中国家都有过成功的实践。

    As a special financing way , BOT has been successfully practiced in many developed and developing countries .

  27. 我国公共体育场馆采用BOT项目融资方式的探讨

    A Probe into the Adoption of BOT Project Financing Modes in Public Stadium and Gymnasium in our Country

  28. 第三章主要是对BT项目融资的财务分析,并比较不同融资方式下的优缺点。

    Chapter three is mainly about BT project financial analysis and comparison of different ways of financing merit and demerit .

  29. RCP项目融资模式及其补偿方式初探

    Study on RCP Project Financing Mode and Its Compensation

  30. 项目融资BOT与PFI模式的比较

    Comparison between BOT and PFI Financial Arrangement