
  • 网络Lotus pond;Lily Pond
  1. 一天,一只老鹤站在荷花池里的浅水处,它那张长长的脸上一副沮丧的射神情。

    One day an old Crane stood in the shallows of a lotus pond with a very dejected look upon his long face .

  2. 经过分析比较发现荷花池在换水之后,水质并没有象预想的那样得到好转,反而水质有比原来更差的趋势。

    Comparative analysis Shown that lotus pond water quality has not been improved , but the water is worse than that was in previous status .

  3. 那着名的荷花池已经在望。

    The famous lily pond is in sight .

  4. 论圆明园荷花池用聚乙烯膜防渗的科学性

    On the Effect of Seepage Prevention of Lotus Pool of Yuanmingyuan Garden by Polyethylene Membrane

  5. 我们来找一找,荷花池里都有哪些色彩?

    Seeking it as hurriedly as I could , I came straight to a lotus pool .

  6. 从颐和园东墙外荷花池的恢复看颐和园周边环境的景观规划

    The Thought of Landscape Planning from the Renewing of the East Lotus Pool of the Summer Palace

  7. 荷花池占地85000平方米,比12个足球场还要大。

    The lotuses cover more than 85000 square meters , an area larger than 12 football fields .

  8. 披着淡淡的清香,我们离开了荷花池,但是,那娇艳的荷花却依然开放在我心头。

    Dressed in a light fragrance , we left the lotus pond , but the blooming lotus is still open in my mind .

  9. 大学校园景观的分析与研究&以扬州大学荷花池校园(中心校区)为例

    Analysis and Study of Landscape in University " Garden " & otus pond campus ( central campus ) in Yangzhou University as an example

  10. 紧接着,我们穿过城隍庙,来到荷花池,沿着九曲桥漫步,一路上有很多卖精美手绢的店铺。

    We wended through the City God Temple , with its many shops of marvelous handicrafts connected by a zigzag bridge around a lotus pond .

  11. 孙悟空不得不寻求从观音的帮助,原来的鱼精是在南海荷花池大金鱼。

    Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin ( a Bodhisattva ) . It turned out that the spirit was a big goldfish in the South Sea lotus pond .

  12. 常常,看着未名湖水面的微波,听着博雅塔檐边的风铃,脑海里总会浮现出荷花池中的睡莲、光孝塔边的夕阳。

    As I catch sight of the waves on the Weiming Lake or hear the bell ringing from the Boya Pagoda , pictures of the Lotus Pool and the Guangxiao Pagoda at sunset will frequently appear in my mind .

  13. 针对目前中国大学校园景观存在的问题,通过对扬州大学荷花池校区即中心校区校园的景观现状进行解剖和分析研究,运用景观园林的基本理论框架,站在园林的视角上分析研究大学校园景观。

    In order to study and solve the practical issues about university campus landscape in China , this paper uses basic gardening theories and analyzes the present scenes of Lotus pond campus , the central campus in Yangzhou University , as an example .