
jīng cǎi fēn chéng
  • unusually brilliant -- with high lights;hundreds of high lights
精彩纷呈[jīng cǎi fēn chéng]
  1. 该书包罗万象、精彩纷呈的特质在舞台上得到了精彩再现。

    The kaleidoscopic quality of the book is brilliantly realised on stage .

  2. 这一盛事如今已是第5个年头,其重头戏是一场精彩纷呈的时装秀。

    This spectacular event , now in its 5th year , features a stunning catwalk show .

  3. 为此,今晚上海交响乐团还将献给朋友们一台精彩纷呈的演出。

    To this end , the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will present to you a brilliant performance this evening .

  4. 在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。中国动画迷有福了!2021年将会有一大批国漫上线。

    Good news for fans of Chinese animations series will come out this year on Tencent Video , iQiyi , Youku and Bilibili .

  5. 随着INTERNET技术的应用和普及,精彩纷呈的网络媒体为我们的生活和工作带来了全新的信息交流方式和便捷的工作娱乐模式。

    With the application and popularity of internet technology , brilliant network medium have brought bran-new ways of information communications and convenient patterns of work and amusements into our life .

  6. 在达沃斯论坛上,CEO、国家元首和各国央行行长将上演一场场精彩纷呈的经济辩论,非常值得一听。

    The program at Davos is packed with worthy-sounding economic debates between CEOs , heads of state , and central bankers .

  7. 他喜欢玩《外交》(Diplomacy)这款有着松散规则却精彩纷呈的游戏,在这款游戏中,选手们为了称霸世界,需要讨价还价、缔结联盟、互相背后捅刀子。

    He likes Diplomacy , a fraught game with loose rules , where players need to negotiate deals , forge alliances and backstab each other to secure world domination .

  8. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:大家好,我是CarlAzuz,这里是CNN学生新闻,将精彩纷呈的世界展现在你们的课堂。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Hi , I 'm Carl Azuz . This is CNN Student News , bringing the world to your classroom .

  9. 经过一天激烈又精彩纷呈的比赛,冠军宝座最后由A-PLUS队赢得,他们卖出激浪所得的款项将会捐给慈善机构。

    After a day of fierce and brilliant game , champion finally won by the A-PLUS . Besides , the proceeds they gained will be donated to charity .

  10. 这将是一场十分难得的精彩纷呈的汇报演出。

    It will be a spectacular show for the holiday season .

  11. 翼航前船底对水翼水动力性能的影响珠海航展精彩纷呈

    Influence of Hull Bottom on Hydrodynamical Properties of Hydrofoil before Taking Off

  12. 生命是短暂的,我们要让它过的精彩纷呈!

    Life is short . Let 's make it wonderful !

  13. 第一届世界女子足球锦标赛精彩纷呈,具有很强的观赏性。

    The1st World Women 's Football Championship was very exciting and admiring .

  14. 而随着全球化的发展,人们有了更多的机会来欣赏制作精良、精彩纷呈的外国电影。

    People have much more chances to appreciate the elaborate and excellent films .

  15. 都能使我们的研讨更加精彩纷呈,甚至要超过那些最优秀,但是同质化的群体。

    enrich the conversations in ways that outmatch even the best-resourced homogenous groups .

  16. 节日晚会上丰富的歌唱、品和相声表演精彩纷呈。

    The gala highlights a variety of songs , comedy skits and cross talks .

  17. 而特效、音乐、印度舞蹈、名流将晚会打造得精彩纷呈。

    Special effects , music , Indian dance routines , celebrities-really a spectacular event .

  18. 精彩纷呈的密接和应&肖斯塔柯维奇《24首序曲与赋格》研究札记

    Research Notes Of Shostakovich 24 Prelude And Fugue

  19. 莎士比亚的双关语精彩纷呈,有其独特的语言风格。

    Shakespearean puns are unique and colourful .

  20. 2005年,中国金融市场亮点耀眼,精彩纷呈。

    In2005 , China 's financial market is a great attraction , brilliant and huge .

  21. 在过去的一年里,英美涌现出许多精彩纷呈的新书。

    THE past year saw many wonderful new books released in the UK and US .

  22. 第四届中国戏剧节精彩纷呈

    Chengdu Hosts the 4th China Drama Festival

  23. 一部马克思文本的阅读史就是一部精彩纷呈的马克思思想的诠释史。

    The history of reading Marx is also the process of interpreting the ideas of Marx .

  24. 和一堆聪明人一起工作真是精彩纷呈。

    It 's really wonderful to work in an environment with a lot of smart people .

  25. 精彩纷呈的漆器艺术

    Over whelming Art of Lacquer

  26. 我鼓励你让自己的生命体验有血有肉、精彩纷呈。

    I want to encourage you to allow your life experience to be lightly dusted with form .

  27. 整个节目精彩纷呈而且进出有序,欢笑声、喝彩声,交织一起热闹非凡。

    The whole room was full of laughter and cheers , everyone was having a wonderful time .

  28. 让好学的沪友们尤为兴奋的是精彩纷呈的日语角和英语角。

    What really excited the studious YesHJ user , were the wonderful and exciting Japanese and English corners .

  29. 亮点精彩纷呈改革强力推进&2005年中国金融市场发展回顾

    Attraction Is Brilliant with Reformation Vigorously Promoted & A Review of China 's Financial Market Development in 2005

  30. 世界园事务协调局副局长叶大华表示,北京将向世界呈现一届精彩纷呈的世园会。

    Ye Dahua with the Coordination Bureau says Beijing will do a remarkable job in presenting this expo to the world .