
  1. 我想你说了精武门是无用的。

    And I thought you said Jing Wu school was worthless .

  2. “精武会”是我国第一个具有近代意义的民间体育团体。

    Chinwoo Association is the first sports NGO in Chinese modern history .

  3. 精武体育思想在我国的传播和影响

    Popularity and influence of sports ideology of Jingwu in China

  4. 为什么不回精武门呢?

    Why not try to get back tojing Wu school ?

  5. 精武会社会网络之研究(1909-1941年)

    Social Network Research about Jingwu Association ( 1909-1941 )

  6. 你会放过精武门吗?

    Will you leave thejing Wu school alone ?

  7. 我们的精武门是他的伟大成就。

    Our school here was his achievement .

  8. 精武优质肉鸭屠宰及肉质性状的遗传参数估计

    Estimation of Genetic Parameters on Traits of Slaughter and Meat Quality in Jing Wu Quality Duck

  9. 不久成龙便踏上了返回香港主演《新精武门》的路程。

    Soon Jackie was on his way back to Hong Kong to star in New Fist of Fury .

  10. 精武体育会为中华武术的发展、中华民族的振兴作出了应有的贡献。

    The fine military sports club for the Chinese martial arts'development , Chinese nation 's promotion has made the proper contribution .

  11. 中国传统武术传承与推广之途径&以9届精武国际赛事的成功举办为例

    Paths of Inheritance and Promotion of Chinese Traditional Wushu & Taking the Successful Holding 9th Chin Woo International Wushu Tournaments as Example

  12. 精武体育会在其发展壮大的过程中,提出并形成了精武体育思想:爱国、修身、正义、助人。

    The Jingwu Athletic Association proposed patriotism , individual improvement , justice and helping others as the sports ideology of Jingwu during its development .

  13. 《中华新武术》、精武体育会和中央国术馆等武术组织对近代中国武术发展做出了重要贡献。

    Chinese new Wushu , Chin Woo Athletic Federation and Central Martial School all have made great contribution to the development of modern Chinese Wushu .

  14. 阐述了精武体育思想的起源、发展和传播,以及在新的历史条件下的现实意义。

    The paper expatiates on the origin , development and popularity of the sports ideology of Jingwu and its significance under the present historical condition .

  15. 李在《精武门》《猛龙过江》等电影中所传达的中国力量恰恰符合了崛起中的中国的力量。

    Lee 's message of Chinese strength in movies like " The Chinese Connection " and " Return of the Dragon " also matches that of a rising China .

  16. 目光敏锐的剧迷肯定能看出对经典武打场面致敬的若干场面,比如王家卫《一代宗师》中的雨中对剑,还有《精武门》中李小龙在日本柔道馆里的混战。

    Keen-eyed fans will spot homages to several well-known martial arts scenes , from the rain-soaked swordfight in Wong Kar-wai 's " The Grandmaster " to Bruce Lee 's battle royale in the Japanese dojo in " Fist of Fury " ( a.k.a. " The Chinese Connection " ) .