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  1. 氚监测中蜂蜜样品的处理方法

    Preparation of honey sample for tritium monitoring

  2. 人可以通过语境和思考来确定含义,但是PHP代理怎么做到这一点?这种情况非常复杂,但是您可以在出现问题时进行处理,就像蜜蜂,可以从各种花蜜中生产蜂蜜。

    A human reader can pause for thought and place in context , but what would your PHP agent do with it ? Such a situation is clearly complex , but you can handle each situation as it arises , just as bees produce honey from different kinds of nectar .

  3. 正如这瓶沐浴啫喱中的蜂蜜一样。

    Like the conditioning honey in this Shower Gel .

  4. 据实验结果,建议在胡萝卜汁中加入蜂蜜量为10%。

    According to experimental result , There was a suggestion to add10 % honey in carrot juice .

  5. 该部门表示,即使是食物中的蜂蜜,也可能含有导致儿童不舒服的物质。

    It says even honey in prepared foods may contain substances that can make babies very sick .

  6. 而且在两次世界大战中,蜂蜜制成的膏药被用力促进战士伤口的愈合过程。

    And in the last two world wars poultices with honey were used to assist the healing process in soldiers'wounds .

  7. 一对调皮的小熊往树上爬。扬扬得意小偷从蜂窝中偷走蜂蜜。

    A pair of playful cubs climbing up a tree . ( 2 ) A gleeful thief stealing honey from a beehive .

  8. 项目起步了,我们从饲养的蜜蜂和一些蜂蜡中提取蜂蜜,也给蜜蜂留下足够多的蜂蜜,以便它们能熬过冬天。

    The business started by taking the honey from our bees and some beeswax . We left enough for the bees to survive through the winter .

  9. 这种情况非常复杂,但是您可以在出现问题时进行处理,就像蜜蜂,可以从各种花蜜中生产蜂蜜。

    Such a situation is clearly complex , but you can handle each situation as it arises , just as bees produce honey from different kinds of nectar .

  10. 许多用蜂蜜来替代蔗糖的人会随意地、不计量地在酸奶、凉茶中加入蜂蜜,认为蜂蜜比蔗糖健康得多。

    Many people who swapped honey for sugar found they liberally poured it into yoghurts , herbal teas and the like imagining honey to be superior to other sugars . '

  11. 在整个加工过程中,蜂蜜中还原糖损失19.49%、淀粉酶值下降39.11%,酸度提高了80.41%。

    After all the process , the Reducing Sugar 's loss of honey is 19.49 % , Amylase valve 's loss is 39.11 % and acidity is increased by 80.41 % .

  12. 沙漠在晨曦中泛出蜂蜜的光泽。

    At sunrise the sand is the color of honey .

  13. 在这个食谱中,可用蜂蜜代替食糖。

    Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe .

  14. 艺术是人类灵魂中沉淀的蜂蜜,只有通过痛苦和辛劳才能获得。

    Art is the stored honey of the human soul , gathered on wings of misery and travail .

  15. 它可以方便地搅融贮于小口旋盖式蜂蜜专用铁桶中的结晶蜂蜜,而且使用时不会损坏桶内壁的涂料保护层。

    It can be used conveniently for stirring and melting crystalloid honey in small-mouthed iron barrel without damaging its inner protective coat .

  16. 过去我常以为我母亲竟得如此无休止地辛苦工作是件可怕的事情。艺术是人类灵魂中沉淀的蜂蜜,只有通过痛苦和辛劳才能获得。

    I used to feel it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly . Art is the stored honey of the human soul , gathered on wings of misery and travail .

  17. 利用蜂蜜中的花粉鉴别蜂蜜质量的研究

    Using the Pollen in Honey for Distinguishing the Quality of Honey

  18. 试着在菊花茶中加入小量的蜂蜜。

    Try drizzling a small amount of honey in your chamomile tea .

  19. 向柠檬汁中加入一汤匙蜂蜜,搅拌均匀。

    Add a tablespoon of honey to the lemon juice and stir the mixture .

  20. 向南瓜瓤中加入鸡蛋和蜂蜜,混合均匀。

    Add the eggs and the honey to the pumpkin pulp and mix well .

  21. 向碗中加入1汤匙蜂蜜,1个鸡蛋白,半汤匙扁桃油,1汤匙酸奶。

    Add 1 tablespoon of warm honey ; 1 egg white ; 1 / 2 teaspoon almond oil ; and 1 tablespoon yogurt to a bowl .

  22. 第一步在食物处理器或电动搅拌机的搅拌碗中加入面粉、蜂蜜、酵母和盐,然后搅拌。

    THE STEPS 1 . Add flours , honey , yeast and salt to the bowl of a food processor or electric mixer and process to combine .

  23. 分别在芦笋汁中加入苹果、蜂蜜、糯米和黑米等,进行了果香型、蜜香型、米香型芦笋酒的发酵研制,并对其产品进行质量指标对比。

    Honey , apple , polished glutinous rice and black rice were added to the asparagus liquid respectively to develop four new types of asparagus wine . The quality indexes of those products were also compared .

  24. 你可以在酸奶中加入水果浓汤来创造某种口味的酸奶,但千万不要在酸奶中加入蜂蜜来提高甜度。

    You can add fruit purees to the yogurt to create a range of flavours , but DO NOT SWEETEN YOGURT WITH HONEY ( see baby foods to avoid for more information ) .