
  • 网络Steamed chicken
  1. 让人吃得畅快淋漓的蒸鸡非常美味,肉质丝滑的鸡肉与颗粒饱满香气四溢的米饭十分搭配。

    The fuss-free steamed chicken was delicious , the silky texture going well with grainy , aromatic rice .

  2. 若想远离市中心的喧嚣,体验农家风味,可以到鸡邨大饭店品尝蒸鸡和清淡的农家菜。

    For something more home style and removed from the madness of downtown , head to Ji Cun for steamed chicken and simple farmer-style dishes .

  3. 我们问了他有关餐厅“烈凤蒸鸡”,位于江南站的地点。

    We asked about his restaurant " Yul Bong Jjim Dak ( Hot and Spicy Steamed Chicken )," located in the Kangnam Station area .

  4. 咱们从寻常的蒸鸡、烤鸡中换个口味,这个藏在泗岩沫的一棵茂密树头下毫不起眼的棚子里的摊子有完美的酥脆的炸鸡。

    A change from the usual steamed and roast chicken , this stall in Segambut serves perfectly crisp fried chicken from an unassuming shack under a shady tree .

  5. 除了常见的烧、蒸鸡,餐厅琳琅满目的菜单上还有糖醋鱼(17马币),宫保鸡丁(14马币),以及一系列清真中式美食。

    Aside from the usual roast and steamed chicken , the restaurant 's extensive menu also includes dishes like sweet and sour fish ( RM17 ) , kung po chicken ( RM14 ) , and a variety of halal Chinese fare .

  6. 这个餐馆的特色菜是蒸带鱼,但是外国顾客对这道菜的描述非常困惑:“厨师必须在一个盖着的容器里煮这条带鱼六个小时”,而蒸鸡的翻译更有趣“没有性生活的鸡”。

    This restaurant 's specialty is steamed hair-fish , but foreign customers might puzzle over the English description , " Six must occupy cooks in a covered vessel the hairtail . " While steamed chicken is described as the intriguing chicken without sexual life .