
  • 网络evaporating pressure;Vapor Pressure
  1. 自然循环自动清洗式高效蒸发器对蒸发压力的适应性

    Adaptability of High Efficient Evaporators of Self-cleaning Type of Natural Circulation to Evaporating Pressure

  2. 蒸发压力随制冷剂循环量及冷负荷的变化规律

    Formulations for the Evaporating Pressure varying with the Circulating Mass of Refrigerant or with the Cooling Load

  3. 随着冷凝器进口空气温度的升高,蒸发压力、冷凝压力升高,而过冷度、过热度、制冷量和COP均线性下降;

    With the increase of inlet air temperature of the condenser , evaporation pressure , condensation pressure increase , but supercooling and superheat degree , refrigerating capacity and COP decrease .

  4. 节流阀把高压侧压力节流到蒸发压力,同时控制高压侧压力并使其随气体冷却器出口温度的变化而变化,CO2制冷系统调节特性与传统制冷系统不同。

    By throttles , the high pressure is dropped down to evaporator pressure , and changed with the refrigerant temperature at the gas cooler , the regulation characteristics of the system are different from traditional system .

  5. 结果表明:随着蒸发器迎面风速和蒸发器进口空气温度的升高,蒸发压力、过冷度、过热度、制冷量和COP均增加,而冷凝压力几乎不受影响;

    The calculational and experimental results indicate that evaporation pressure , supercooling and superheat degree , refrigerating capacity and COP increase with the increase of face velocity and inlet air temperature of the evaporator , but condensation pressure nearly constant .

  6. 模拟了以R125、R41、R143a及CO2为工质的跨临界热泵系统,分析了跨临界系统中蒸发压力、压缩机排气压力、回热器效能等变化对跨临界热泵系统性能的影响。

    Analysis of factors that influencing the cycle performance parameters of trans-critical heat pump such as evaporation pressure , compressor discharge pressure , regenerator performance and so on .

  7. 为此研究它的蒸发压力适应性问题。

    For this purpose , the adaptability of its evaporation pressure is studied .

  8. 船用真空蒸发压力自动调节装置的模糊压力控制器设计

    Design of Fuzzy Controller with Vacuum Evaporation Pressure of Sea Water Desalinating Equipment on Ship

  9. 蒸发压力出厂时已调节好,如压力无变化请勿调整。

    White vapor pressure factory has been adjusted , such as pressure changes do not adjust .

  10. 如果负荷超过此范围,请根据《蒸发压力调节》进行调节。

    If the load exceeds the range of students , according to " adjust " evaporation pressure regulator .

  11. 新型自复叠制冷循环使用非共沸混合工质,可以在相同的蒸发压力下提供不同的蒸发温度。

    The new cycle , employing non-azeotropic mixture refrigerant , can provide different evaporation temperatures under an evaporation pressure .

  12. 结果表明:利用压缩/喷射混合制冷循环可以回收膨胀阀和蒸发压力调节阀的节流损失,提高双温蒸气压缩制冷循环的制冷系数;

    The results show that compression / ejection refrigeration cycles can reduce energy loss and improve COP of refrigeration systems .

  13. 截面平均换热系数则与质量流速、热流密度、质量干度和蒸发压力密切相关。

    The perimeter averaged heat transfer coefficients depend on heat flux , mass flow rate , quality and saturated pressure .

  14. 其中的结晶垢自动清洗研究比较充分,技术也比较成熟,产生足够的自然循环推动力成为关键,并且与蒸发压力密切相关。

    The key to this technology is to produce sufficient driving force with natural circulation which is also closely related to evaporation pressure .

  15. 结果表明,膨胀机进口温度和蒸发压力改变时,工质的沸点越高,循环的平均效率越高。

    The results prove that when the inlet temperature and evaporate pressure are changed , the average efficiency increased with the boil point temperature of the work fluid .

  16. 结果表明,在恒定蒸发压力下,制冷能力随进入发生器的热流变化,吸附床内的传质过程主要受传热过程影响。

    The result shows that at constant evaporating pressure the refrigerating capacity changed with the heat flow into the adsorber and the heat transfer mainly controls the mass transfer in the adsorbent bed .

  17. 针对传统船舶一机多温冷藏系统在不同蒸发压力下提供不同蒸发温度所存在的问题,提出将改进的自复叠制冷循环用于船舶多温冷库。

    To solve the problems existing in a typical marine multi-stage temperature refrigeration system which provides different evaporation temperatures under different evaporation pressures , a new type of auto-refrigerating cascade cycle was proposed .

  18. 由于水的蒸发压力低、比容大使得水作为制冷剂直接用于压缩式制冷系统还有很大的困难。

    Thought water is a good refrigerant , it is difficult to be used directly in a common compression refrigeration system due to its very low pressure and vapor density at the evaporation temperature .

  19. 由于压缩机出口压力可以根据压缩机的性能参数计算得出,在系统模型中,仅假设蒸发压力,不再产生确定冷凝压力的迭代计算。

    The outlet pressure of compressor can be calculated by compressor performance parameters . In the system model , only the evaporation pressure is assumed . Then , the model is optimized , the processing speed is improved .

  20. 并基于综合后的故障诊断规则,建立以冷凝压力、蒸发压力、制冷量、压缩机的轴功率等4个特征参数为系统输入量,故障模式为系统输出量的模糊神经网络模型。

    Using these fault diagnosis rules , the fuzzy neural network model has been established with four characteristic parameters , namely condensing pressure , evaporating pressure , cooling capacity , compressor shaft power as system input and fault patter as system output .

  21. 蒸发塔压力控制的遗传模糊算法

    The Genetic Fuzzy Algorithm Used in Pressure Control of Distilling Tower

  22. 蒸发塔压力控制的对象复杂、影响因素多、干扰大,控制系统的建模较为困难,用常规控制算法难以高质量地完成控制任务。

    Objects controlled for pressure control of distilling tower are complicated which have more related factors and strong interference , modeling it is difficult , so normal control algorithm can not perform with high quality .

  23. 乙醇液滴蒸发过程对压力振荡动态响应的试验研究

    Experimental study on dynamic response of ethanol droplet evaporation to pressure oscillation

  24. 低温杜瓦日蒸发率随压力变化规律研究

    Study on the change of daily evaporation rate with storage pressure of cryogenic Dewar

  25. 温度传感器测量制冷系统蒸发与冷凝压力的新方法

    A New Method to Measure Condensation and Evaporation Pressures of Refrigeration Systems with Temperature Sensors

  26. 通过求解模型方程,系统地研究了液滴蒸发过程对压力振荡的动态响应特性。

    By solving the model equations , a systematic study of the dynamic response characteristics of the droplet evaporation process to pressure oscillation is carried out .

  27. 这一工艺的关键是选择合适的各段蒸发温度、压力和蒸出率,匹配相应的换热和冷却面积,从而减少外供热量。

    The key to success is to properly select the evaporation temperature and pressure as well as the percentage of evaporation for each stage and to make an optimal arrangement of the heat exchange and cooling area to reduce external heat input .

  28. 本文基于推进剂液滴蒸发过程对压力振荡的动态响应特性可能是液体火箭发动机低频不稳定燃烧的主要激励因素,对液体火箭发动机的低频不稳定燃烧进行了数值仿真、理论分析和试验研究。

    In the present thesis , the low-frequency combustion instability in liquid rocket engine is investigated with numerical simulations , theoretical analyses and experimental studies . The dynamic response characteristics of droplet evaporation to pressure oscillation are considered as the key exciting factor for low-frequency combustion instability .

  29. 结果表明,蒸发温度和反应压力对纳米ZnO晶须的形态,即分形维数具有显著影响。

    The results show that the evaporating temperature and reaction pressure are the key procedure parameters .

  30. 为提高理论计算与实验结果的一致性,指出VOF理论还需考虑金属蒸发产生的蒸气压力等因素的影响。

    Metal vapor pressure or more other factors should be considered for the purpose of improving consistency between computational results and experimental ones .