
zhēnɡ liú tǎ
  • Distillation tower;distillation column/tower
  1. 蒸馏塔分散PID控制器整定研究

    Study on Tuning for Decentralized PID Controllers of Distillation Column

  2. 针对当前许多化工厂蒸馏塔产生的大量高浓度CO2气体的合理利用,介绍了高纯液态CO2的生产技术及主要设备特点,供该项技术的推广运用、渐臻完善参考。

    The production technology and main equipment features for high purity liquid CO 2 are introduced for reference during the application and modification of such technology .

  3. 分析了已有的合成MTBE催化蒸馏塔结构,同时构思了新型填料式催化蒸馏塔。

    In this paper , previous structures of catalytic distillation column were reviewed and analyzed , used in MTBE synthesis .

  4. 为克服炼油工业建模与分析的困难,提出了应用着色赋时受控Petri网对原油处理过程中的原油到港、原油卸船、原油运输和供蒸馏塔炼油4个子过程实施建模。

    To reduce the difficulty of modeling and analysis for oil refining industry , modelings of the four sub-processes in crude oil operation process were implemented by using Controlled-Colored-Timed Petri Net ( CCT-PN ) .

  5. 还完成了关键设备进出气换热器,DME精馏塔和甲醇蒸馏塔的详细工艺设计。

    The process design is completed for the key equipment of heat exchanger for the process streams of inlet and outlet , DME rectifying tower and methanol distillation tower .

  6. 本文阐述了膜技术改造老《注射用水》水站的方法,实现了去离子水进入蒸馏塔之前热源质<0.5EU/ml的设计思想,总结了几点体会。

    This paper states rebuilding the old water for injection stations with membrane technology and some experience , and completes the concentration of pyrogen < 0 5EU / ml in desalt water before being taken into a distilling tower .

  7. 结合燕化公司MTBE装置扩能改造共沸蒸馏塔的工艺设计,介绍了JCPT塔板的工业应用情况。

    According to process design of azeotropic distillation column of MTBE plant , Commercial application of JCPT tray is introduced .

  8. 在原油常压蒸馏塔中的应用表明,BVT(3)浮阀塔板具有良好的特性,可提高轻质油收率,增大操作弹性。

    The industrial application in a crude atmospheric distillation column showed that BTV-3 had good performance , larger operation flexibility and better fractionation effect .

  9. 为考察催化剂在催化蒸馏塔中的装填结构对反应结果产生的影响,进行了停留时间分布(RTD)和反应研究。

    In order to investigate the effect of catalyst loading pattern on the reaction result in a catalytic distillation column , the studies both on the residence time distribution ( RTD ) and the liquid solid mass transfer were conducted .

  10. 以MCM-22沸石为催化剂,随催化蒸馏塔操作温度和压力的升高,液相中乙烯浓度呈升高趋势、乙烯转化率也明显提高,乙苯选择性可达96%以上。

    Over ( MCM - ) 22 zeolite , the ethylene concentration in liquid flow and ethylene conversion rose with operating temperature and pressure of the column , and ethylbenzene selectivity mounted to 96 % and higher .

  11. 介绍了广州石油化工总厂研制开发的油溶性咪唑啉型缓蚀剂GAC-968在常压蒸馏塔中的应用试验情况。

    The oil-soluble imidazoline type corrosion inhibitor GAC-968 developed and manufactured by Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex was commercially experimented in crude oil atmospheric distillation tower .

  12. 分离游离氨后的溶液在常压下进行解吸,蒸馏塔出口液体含NH3和CO2量仅为0.014%和0.006%,解吸气回串联吸收器进行循环吸收分离。

    Then , the liquid is desorbed at atmospheric pressure , the liquid at the exit of the distilling tower contains only 0.014 % of ammonia and 0.006 % of CO 2 , and the desorbed gas is returned to the absorbers in series for circulating absorption and separation .

  13. 应用改进的三对角矩阵法和UNIFAC模型,对粗甲醇预蒸馏塔进行了模拟计算,并对粗甲醇加水量、塔板数、回流比和进料位置等进行了分析和讨论。

    The crude methanol pre-fractionator is calculated by the application of improved opposite triangle matrix technique and UNIFAC model , and crude methanol water addition , number of trays , reflux ratio and feed inlet location etc are analyzed .

  14. 碳钢渗铝填料在减压蒸馏塔上的应用

    Application of aluminium permeated carbon steel packing in crude vacuum tower

  15. 燃料型减压蒸馏塔一线生产柴油

    Producing diesel fuel from side - cut 1 of vacuum tower

  16. ◆研究了蒸馏塔侧线质量的控制问题,根据原油蒸馏塔的多侧线关联特性,提出了一种实用的控制策略,开发了基于启发式约束的多变量预测控制系统,并予以实施。

    Side-stream quality control of crude oil distillation tower is studied .

  17. 对蒸馏塔在操作中存在的问题进行分析,并提出改造建议。

    The problems were analyzed and the suggestions were put forward .

  18. 此方法适合酒精蒸馏塔的计算。

    This method is also applicable for ethanol distillation tower calculation .

  19. 原油蒸馏塔过汽化油的讨论

    Discussion on Excess Vaporizing Oil in Distillation Tower of Crude Oil

  20. 基于稳态模型的常压蒸馏塔在线优化控制

    On-line optimization of atmospheric distillation column based on steady state model

  21. 波纹填料与塔盘在原油蒸馏塔中的联合应用

    Application of corrugated packing combined with trays in crude distillation column

  22. 隔板蒸馏塔技术及其在空气分离中的潜在应用

    Plate distillation column technology and its potential application in air separation

  23. 焦油蒸馏塔腐蚀原因分析及防腐措施

    Reason of corrosion for distillation tower of coal tar and protecting method

  24. 某炼油厂原油蒸馏塔模型的改进

    Some improvements in the application of a crude distillation model

  25. 抽提蒸馏塔倒塌事故的原因分析及塔体修复

    Reason analysis on collapsed tower trouble and tower body repair

  26. 一种新的蒸馏塔模拟计算方法

    A new simulation & calculation method of the distillation tower

  27. 炼油蒸馏塔板选型和设计的专家系统

    An expert system for the selection and design of refinery distillation trays

  28. 一个半间歇催化蒸馏塔的动态模型及模拟

    Dynamic modeling and simulation for a semi-batch catalytic distillation column

  29. 环己酮蒸馏塔真空度对理论塔板数的影响

    Influence of vacuum on theoretical plate number in cyclohexanone column

  30. γ-射线扫描辅助蒸馏塔的诊断与优化

    γ - ray scanning-aided maintenance and optimization of distillation columns