
  1. 本文介绍了用直接蒸汽加热法脱除大豆豆腥味在干法生产全脂大豆粉工艺中的可行性,以及该法的工艺条件。

    In this article , the possibility of processing whole soya-bean powder by a method of direct steam heating and free from the stinking smell of soya-bean , as well as the technological condition of deodorization are introduced .

  2. 阐述了挤压机预应力框架的结构及作用,介绍了一种挤压机框架的预紧方式&过热蒸汽加热预紧法,并通过应用实例给出了拉杆伸长量和预紧力的确定方法。

    This article has described the structure and function of the prestressing frame for the extruder and a pretension mode-the overheating steam heating pretension method , meanwhile by the applied examples the calculation of the pole elongation and the prestressing have been presented as well .