
  • 网络sunstone;Sun Stone
  1. 从一位非洲冒险家的日志中我们看到了这个关于“太阳石”的传说,以及这个独特的迷失的城堡。

    From the journal of an African adventurer , the legend of the Sun Stone is an exciting narration about an extraordinary civilization unexpectedly lost in the folds of time .

  2. 尽显海湾的独霸尊贵。在太阳石顶峰鸟瞰,东可饱览亚龙湾、海棠湾的风光,西可以一览三亚的城市全貌。

    You can stand at the peak of the Sunny Stone for a bird 's eye view of the sea and see the beautiful scenes of Yalong Bay and Haitang Bay on the east and the urban panorama of Sanya City on the west .