
  • Slimming;slim;weight loss
  1. 有神奇减肥效果的瘦身点心是一个骗局。

    Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con

  2. 我的瘦身运动总是三天打鱼两天晒网。

    My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts

  3. 她已经做了13次手术,包括一次腹部瘦身整形手术。

    She 'd undergone 13 operations , including a tummy tuck .

  4. 例句:我的瘦身运动总是时断时续。

    My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts .

  5. 正是这些脂肪导致了腰间赘肉。事实纠正:喝排毒果汁就能一劳永逸地瘦身——这是个神话。我重复一遍,这是个神话。

    Reality check : It 's a myth -- I repeat , a myth -- that juice cleanses4 can whittle5 your waist for good .

  6. 美国交通部计划要做的其中一件事就是制作一本“道路瘦身”指南,并将其分发给各个社区和地方政府。

    One of the things DOT plans to do is create a guide to " road diets " that it will distribute to communities and local governments .

  7. “道路瘦身”是指道路上可用车道数量减少,通常是将现有的一个或多条车道变成转弯车道、自行车道或路边停车道。

    Road diet refers to a reduction in the number of travel lanes available on a road , usually by converting1 one or more existing travel lanes into turn lanes , bike lanes , or street parking .

  8. 该研究表明,女性对自己的体重抱怨越多,对自己的身材满意度就会越低,就算本身偏瘦的女性也会如此。同时,她们也更有可能被媒体宣传的瘦身理想所影响。

    The study showed that women who complained about their weight more often - even if they were thin - were more likely to have greater dissatisfaction with their bodies . They were also more likely to buy into the media ’ s thin ideal .

  9. 微软在给SurfacePro3减重瘦身方面花了不少心思。

    Microsoft worked hard to put the Surface Pro 3 on a diet .

  10. 她对《FemaleFirst》杂志表示,仅仅两周多时间,由于定期食用生蘑菇,她成功瘦身。

    The star told Female First magazine that in just over two weeks of regularly eating raw mushrooms , her body weight dropped .

  11. 一次脂肪海藻瘦身,一个钻石狗项圈,和一台卡拉OK机怎样?

    A cellulite seaweed wrap , a diamond dog collar , and a karaoke machine .

  12. 其他的应用软件,例如SevenNetworks基于Symbian操作系统新出的电邮软件能通过压缩数据使得流量进一步“瘦身”。

    Other applications , like Seven Networks'new Symbian-based email software , further reduce traffic by compressing the data .

  13. 就连庞大的沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)商店都瘦身了。

    Even massive Wal-Mart stores ( WMT ) have downsized .

  14. 他告诉FemaleFirst杂志说:“健康的瘦身是一星期减去1磅,有赖于一周减少3500卡路里摄取,而一天减少500卡路里的摄取即可。”

    He told Female First : ' A healthy diet , aimed at losing 1lb per week , relies on saving 3500 calories a week by having 500 calories less each day .

  15. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正计划“瘦身”。

    Procter & Gamble is planning to slim down its product slate .

  16. 想瘦身吗?别看美女广告!Study:Magazineadsofthinmodelsmakewomenovereat一项研究表明,为身材所困的年轻女性看到杂志广告上的超级模特或是有着“魔鬼”身材的女性,会食量大增;

    Research now shows a supermodel figure or the " ideal " thin woman image reflected in magazine advertisements trigger young women , obsessed with their own body image , to eat more .

  17. 您确定自己使用不含违禁成份的瘦身产品,并且有MAL注册与验证批准?

    Are you sure you are using free forbidden contents slimming products with MAL registration and certification ?

  18. 例如,一些传统的强势公司最近纷纷选择瘦身,其中包括摩托罗拉(Motorola)、卡夫食品(Kraft)和雅培(Abbott)。

    One example is the recent spate of mammoth splits at traditional powerhouse firms including Motorola , Kraft and Abbott .

  19. 健康瘦身菜单DIY

    Healthy Dieting Menu DIY

  20. Timmy养的小猫正在瘦身,可是她偏偏喜欢追逐胖老鼠。

    Timmy 's cat is keeping fit . But she likes to chase fat rats .

  21. 公司推出了一款新的笔记本电脑,名字就是简单的MacBook。它看起来更像是一款瘦身版的MacBookAir。

    The company announced a new laptop , which it calls simply MacBook , that looks more like a MacBook Air that went on a diet .

  22. 随着亚洲各地经济前景越来越黯淡、工业用大宗商品价格大幅下跌、生产成本不断上升,力拓(RioTinto)和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)也在做瘦身规划。

    Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are also planning cutbacks amid darkening economic outlooks around Asia , slumping prices for industrial commodities and rising production costs .

  23. 社会重要他人尤其是同伴在女大学生体形认知和瘦身意向上也有重要影响,而个人年龄、年级和BMI指数也同时作用。

    Besides , social important others especially the companies and individual differences in age , grade and the BMI index also have great effect on body image of female college students .

  24. 更有意思的问题是,奥巴马政府对保罗沃尔克(PaulVolcker)为大型金融机构集团瘦身计划的支持,是否将会对纽约产生不利影响。

    The more interesting question is whether the Obama Administration 's support for Paul Volcker 's plan to downsize large complex financial institutions will have an adverse impact on New York .

  25. 肖尔和他的妻子琳达(Linda)是从大约五年前开始以这种方式进食的,当时他们在电视上看到一个有关瘦身的资讯型广告讨论少吃多餐的好处。

    Mr. Shor and his wife , Linda , began eating this way about five years ago , after watching a fitness infomercial on TV discussing the benefits of frequent small meals .

  26. 这就是纽约长老会医院/威尔•康奈尔医疗中心(NewYorkPresbyterianHospital/WeillCornellMedicalCenter)综合减肥项目主任亚隆(LouisJ.Aronne)的新书《瘦身》(TheSkinny)中的理论。

    That 's the concept behind'The Skinny , 'a new book by Louis J.Aronne , director of the Comprehensive Weight Loss Program at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center .

  27. 贝克谈到了长期担任纽约长老会医院/威尔•康奈尔医疗中心综合减肥项目主任的亚隆(LouisJ.Aronne)出版的新书《瘦身》(TheSkinny)。

    Ms. Beck reports on the ' The Skinny , ' a new book by Louis J. Aronne , longtime director of the Comprehensive Weight Loss Program at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center . '

  28. 一段老派保守党政府执政的平静时期,将重建英国人的信心;瘦身后的政府将推动企业蓬勃发展,促成埃德蒙伯克(EdmundBurke)那一小群具有社会责任感公民的重现。

    A period of quiet , old-fashioned Tory government will rebuild confidence ; a smaller state will see enterprise flourish and encourage the re-appearance of Edmund Burke 's little platoons of socially responsible citizens .

  29. 尽管多数Ultrabook都不像MacBookAir那样轻薄(最厚处1.7厘米,最薄处0.3厘米),但英特尔期待着Ultrabook能够迅速实现瘦身。

    Though not many Ultrabooks are quite as thin as the MacBook Air - which tapers from a thickness of 0.68 inch to 0.11 inch at one point - Intel expects dimensions to shrink rapidly .

  30. 同时,花旗银行还将在1月16日提前宣布其第四季度报表,人们预期那时花旗银行的总裁VikramPandit将揭示计划,使花旗进一步加快瘦身。

    The bank has brought forward its fourth-quarter results to January16th and expectations are high that Vikram Pandit , Citi 's chief executive , will unveil plans to slim the bank further and faster .