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shòu zi
  • a thin person;a lean person;a lean(or thin)person
瘦子 [shòu zǐ]
  • [a lean(or thin)person] 长得不丰满的人

瘦子[shòu zi]
  1. 那么,当和一个胃口很小的瘦子一起吃饭时又会如何呢?

    What happens when a thin person takes a small portion ?

  2. 所有的事都是公平的,胖子比瘦子用更多的肥皂。

    All things being equal , a fat person uses more soap than a thin person .

  3. 我们离《瘦子》(TheThinMan)的那个时代以及威廉·鲍威尔(WilliamPowell)大清早喝的那些鸡尾酒很遥远。

    We are a long way from the world of " The Thin Man , " and the cocktails that William Powell attacks early in the day .

  4. 啊,那不行!那个瘦子说。

    ' Oh , no ! 'said the thin man . '

  5. 有人给了他一枪,所以老“瘦子”变聋了。

    Ever since somebody shot him , old slim went deaf .

  6. 我姐姐是个瘦子,我正好相反。

    My elder sister is thin and I am just the reverse .

  7. 站在前面的阿谁瘦子是谁?

    Who is that fat man standing at the back ?

  8. 你带我来这瘦子店里干嘛?

    Why did you bring me in this skinny-ass store ?

  9. “就是这样,”瘦子说。

    " Just so ," the thin man said .

  10. 你们的桌子只为瘦子而设计吗?

    Are your tables just designed for thin people ?

  11. 瘦子一下子就穿好衣服。

    Slim was dressed and ready in a flash .

  12. 泰勒,《少女妈妈》里面那个瘦子吗

    Tyler , the skinny guy from Teen Mom ?

  13. 瘦子布洛克不会坚持两回合。

    Is that Braddock won 't last two rounds .

  14. 这就是那些称体重的胖子或瘦子们的想法。

    That 's exactly what overweight-or even thin-people feel when on the scale .

  15. 果肉;肉体胖子的肉比瘦子的肉要多得多。

    flesh A fat man has much more flesh than a thin man .

  16. “真遗憾。”瘦子移动了一颗玛瑙象。

    " What a pity . " The thin man shifted an onyx elephant .

  17. 开车的是个没有门牙的瘦子。

    The driver of the van is a skinny man with no front teeth .

  18. 他小时什么样子?很小,非常瘦子,

    What was he like when he was little ? Little , very little .

  19. 当然不会呀,很多瘦子也有胆固醇过高的问题。

    Sammi : Of course not , many thin people have high cholesterol too .

  20. 一个胖子和一个瘦子正在讨论谁更有礼貌。

    A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more polite .

  21. 瘦子热情的转过身叫奴隶女孩给他们拿些食物和酒来。

    The thin man turned obligingly and called for the slave girl to fetch them food and drink .

  22. 这位校长是个35岁的瘦子,蓄着沙滩色的山羊胡和沙滩色的短头发;

    This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty-five , with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair ;

  23. 平均而言,瘦子比不断增重的胖子每天多站立2个小时。

    On average , thin people stand for two hours longer every day than those who pile on the pounds .

  24. 胖警察过来之后,那个瘦子就出去视察屋外的情况了。

    Then the fat cop came up and the thin one went to look around the outside of the house .

  25. 他个子很高,和费利克斯差不多,身体肥胖,用枪打比瘦子好击中。

    He was tall , about Feliks ' height , and beefy , easier to shoot than a small man .

  26. 相较于瘦子,一个胖子每年要多花超过700美元的医疗费。

    An obese person 's annual medical costs are more than $ 700 greater than those of a comparable thin person .

  27. 据英国某一研究,相比瘦子,胖子的记忆力和脑力下降得更快。

    Fatter people are more likely to lose their memories and brain power quicker than those who are thinner , according to British research .

  28. 年轻时,他是一名瘦弱的吸毒者,体重减轻了很多,并被称为“小瘦子”。

    As a youth he was an emaciated skinny drug addict and lost so much weight he was known as " Skinny Dog . "

  29. 但这项研究表明,瘦子也在变胖,并且在他研究的22年中都是如此。

    But the study showed that thin people also get fatter , and this happened over the whole of the 22-year period of the study .

  30. 他是体型娇小的瘦子还是体态臃肿的胖子?没想到那个大胖子竟然娶了个又瘦又高的女人。

    Would he be thin or overweight ? I 'm surprised that the Bulky man got married with a bean-pole-a lady who is very tall and skinny .