
zhào shì zhě
  • perpetrator;troublemaker;person who has created a disturbance;person who causes an (traffic, etc. ) accident;culprit
  1. 第二个肇事者王某的行为是否构成犯罪。

    Thirdly , whether the second perpetrator commits a crime or not ?

  2. 海洋浮游植物既是重要的海洋生物资源,又是赤潮等自然灾难的肇事者。

    Marine phytoplankton is not only important marine biological resources , but also perpetrator of red tide and other natural disasters .

  3. 哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?

    Which driver was to blame for the accident ?

  4. 用户支付3元,一年期间,若被保险人遇到因帮助跌倒老人后导致被误认为是肇事者等纠纷,最高可获得2万元的法律诉讼费用。

    The insurance costs 3 yuan a year ( $ 0.47 ) and pays up to 20000 yuan to cover legal fees should the insured be involved in a dispute over whether they provided assistance to a senior citizen after a fall or were the cause of the fall .

  5. 问:先生,khobar大楼爆炸事件的肇事者还没有找到:科尔号爆炸事件也一样,你有什么样的保证和信心确定会找到这次事故的肇事者?

    Q : Sir , the perpetrators of the Khobar towers bombing were never found ; the cole bombing as well . What assurances or what confidence do you have that the perpetrators of this act will be found ?

  6. 而且他希望你开除肇事者。

    And he wants you to fire whoever 's responsible .

  7. 同时,我要找出肇事者。

    In the meantime , find out who did this .

  8. 受伤的人是肇事者还是旁观者?

    Were the people who were injured participants or bystanders ?

  9. 警方至今尚未找到肇事者。

    Police have so far failed to find the culprits .

  10. 警方保证要把这次爆炸的肇事者缉拿归案。

    The police have promised to hound down those responsible for the explosion .

  11. 肇事者无法给出详述的解释。

    The peacebreaker could not provide an explicit explanation .

  12. 在气候变化问题上,农业既是肇事者也是受害者。

    Agriculture is both culprit and victim when it comes to climate change .

  13. 如果查出他们是肇事者,那么他们要蹲多久的监狱?

    How long will they be in prison if they are found responsible ?

  14. 恩肖先生抓起肇事者,径直进了他的房间。

    Earnshaw snatched up the culprit directly and conveyed him to his chamber ;

  15. 但乌克兰国防部长称其军队不是飞机失事的肇事者。

    But the Ukrainian defence minister said its forces did not cause the crash .

  16. 我不知道灾祸从何时起,也不知道肇事者是谁。

    We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it .

  17. 5个肇事者被带出了足球

    Five troublemakers were escorted for the football field

  18. 如果彭宇真的是肇事者呢?

    What if Peng really did that ?

  19. 随后警方拘留了一些肇事者。

    Police detained some of the perpetrators .

  20. 他是这次事故的肇事者。

    He was responsible for the accident .

  21. 新德里对巴基斯坦大使说,印度要巴基斯坦对肇事者采取严厉行动。

    New Delhi told Pakistan 's ambassador that it wants strong action against those responsible .

  22. 两位证人都证实了关于该司机是肇事者的指控。

    Both witnesses corroborated the charge against the driver that he had caused the accident .

  23. 第二个方面主要介绍交通肇事案中肇事者是否存在自首问题,有赞成的,有否认的。

    The second aspect main introduction of surrender existence question , surrendered , denied the favor .

  24. 每个人都猜测她是肇事者。

    Everybody assumed it was her .

  25. 鸟盆、水塘,甚至连一小滩雨水都可能是肇事者。

    Birdbaths , ponds , and even a little pocket of rainwater can be the culprits .

  26. 对交通肇事者体内酒精含量的检测

    Alcohol Inspection in Traffic Accidents

  27. 由监视录像可以看到几名肇事者进入博物馆,并在警铃响起后逃逸。

    The surveillance camera caught the group as it entered but everyone took off after an alarm sounded .

  28. 截止目前,没有一项在结束暴行或将肇事者绳之以法上产生作用。

    So far none have succeeded in ending these atrocities or bringing any of the perpetrators to justice .

  29. 由乔的中耳通往他的咽喉的耳咽管是肇事者。

    The eustachian tube , leading from the middle ear to Joe 's throat , is the culprit .

  30. 波士顿警方和消防队员工会悬赏5万美元,寻求有助于抓获肇事者的信息。

    Police and firefighters unions in Boston have offered a $ 50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest .