
zhì ān
  • public security;law and order;public order;maintain public order
治安 [zhì ān]
  • (1) [public order;public security]∶国家与社会的安宁

  • 扰乱治安

  • (2) [maintain public order]∶治理,使社会安定

  • 治安保卫工作

治安[zhì ān]
  1. 他掌握着动用武力维持公共治安的权力。

    He has the power to use force to maintain public order .

  2. 社会治安主要是城市的问题。

    Public order is primarily an urban problem

  3. 他们声称自己是重视治安问题的政党。

    They claim to be the party of law and order .

  4. 警察负责维持治安。

    The police are the preservers of law and order .

  5. 政府努力维持治安。

    The government struggled to maintain law and order .

  6. 他因醉酒妨害治安被警方逮捕。

    Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly .

  7. 保守党人在治安问题上不知所措。

    The Tories have lost the plot on law and order .

  8. 四名男子被判扰乱治安罪名成立。

    Four men were found guilty of breach of the peace .

  9. 这个地区的治安将会被重新评估。

    Security in the area will have to be reassessed .

  10. 公众对这种治安管理费用的不满情绪与日俱增。

    There is growing public disquiet about the cost of such policing .

  11. 治安官们勒令立即将他的狗萨姆森杀掉。

    Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately

  12. 两个人都被雷克瑟姆的地方治安官批准保释,直到3月24日审判。

    Both were remanded on bail by Wrexham magistrates until March 24 .

  13. 地方法官宣判林先生扰乱治安罪名不成立。

    Mr Ling was acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates .

  14. 我能再回到维护治安的问题上来吗?

    Can I come back to the question of policing once again ?

  15. 她似乎不适合在这个治安恶劣的社区生活。

    She doesn 't seem cut out for this tough neighbourhood

  16. 这个治安辖区严重缺乏巡逻车辆。

    There is a chronic shortage of patrol cars in this police district .

  17. 治安人员硬把那些人拉下车。

    The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles

  18. 又有两个经理因偷税漏税指控被传唤到沃辛治安法庭。

    Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates ' Court charged with tax fraud

  19. 他承认扰乱了治安。

    He admitted causing a breach of the peace

  20. 亟须更多来自少数民族群体的治安官。

    There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities .

  21. 治安警察滥用武力的实例不胜枚举。

    There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police .

  22. 治安员们把那些人揪了出来。

    The vigilantes dragged the men out .

  23. 他抨击经济是治安状况不断恶化的根源。

    He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation .

  24. 但是,在过渡期间,我们显然有责任维护治安。

    But , in the interim , we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order

  25. 因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。

    The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code .

  26. 克里斯汀·史莱特有一部新片下月发行,他在片中扮演一个治安维持会成员。

    Christian Slater has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a vigilante .

  27. 喜欢把“追我啊”挂在嘴边的诺维尔承认在限速50英里的地段开到了83英里/小时,并请求地方治安官不要吊销他的驾驶证。

    Norvelle , whose catchphrase is ' Chase Me ' , asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone .

  28. 她住的地区治安不好。

    She lives in a tough neighborhood .

  29. 这个城镇终于恢复了治安与平静。

    Peace and order were finally restored in the town .

  30. 他因扰乱公共治安而坐牢。

    He was imprisoned for creating a public disturbance .