
  • 网络Treatment;Treatment Response;therapeutic response
  1. 窒息早产儿凝血因子水平及其对维生素K的治疗反应观察

    Blood coagulation factor of asphyxia preterm infant and comprison of prior and post treatment with vitamin K

  2. 结论原始NK细胞白血病易发生髓外浸润,且治疗反应差、预后不良。

    Conclusion Blastic NK cell leukemia has an aggressive clinical course with poor response to treatment and unfavorable prognosis .

  3. 结论入院时病情重,有明显的肺性脑病表现及喘息,肺部感染控制不理想,入院后3d对治疗反应差者,往往抢救成功率低。

    Conclusion The severe patient with PE and severe gasping might hardly control the pulmonary infection with low rescue achievement ratio .

  4. 肥胖儿童的胰岛素动力学可预测体重指数和对胰岛素抑制或增敏药物治疗反应的Z评分

    Insulin dynamics predict body mass index and z-score response to insulin suppression or sensitization pharmacotherapy in obese children

  5. 近年来,国内外众多学者研究表明,HBV基因型存在一定地理区域性分布特征,并与临床疾病谱、疾病的进展以及抗HBV治疗反应不同等方面可能相关。

    Recently , the research of many scholars show that HBV genotypes have characteristics geographical distribution and may be related to clinical outcomes .

  6. 目的:应用16层螺旋CT,定量研究肺癌放疗前后肿瘤血流灌注的改变,探讨16层螺旋CT灌注成像监测肺癌对放射治疗反应的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To prospectively investigate tumor vascularity in lung cancer and to determine whether any of the perfusion parameters would predict tumor response to radiation therapy with 16-slice spiral CT .

  7. 抗凋亡基因Bcl-2在儿童急淋白血病中表达与早期治疗反应关系的初步研究

    Study on relation of expression of anti-apoptosis Bcl-2 gene in bone marrow cell and early treatment response in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

  8. 抗CCP抗体在类风湿关节炎早期诊断中的意义及对MTX治疗反应的评价

    Detection value of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody in early diagnosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

  9. 显著升高组有5例发现甲状旁腺腺瘤,对1,25(OH)2D3治疗反应差。

    The last group of patients with adenomas had poor reaction to 1,25 ( OH ) 2D 3 treatment .

  10. BAL患者对治疗反应差,生存期较短。

    Prognostically , patients had poor response to treatment and the overall survival was short .

  11. 另外临床上仍有约1/5的前列腺癌患者原发性缺乏AR表达,这些患者对内分泌治疗反应均差。

    Moreover , there remain one fifth of prostate cancers primarily lack the expression of AR protein ( AR ) and they are rarely responsive to hormonal therapy .

  12. 血浆EB病毒DNA(EBVDNA)浓度是一项能反映鼻咽癌分期、治疗反应、预后的灵敏、特异的分子生物学指标。

    Plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA ( EBV DNA ) is a sensitive and specific molecular marker , which can reflect stage , response to treatment and prognosis of NPC .

  13. 结论网织红细胞参数是评价IDA患者铁剂治疗反应敏感、可靠的早期指标。

    Conclusion Reticulocyte indices are the sensitive and reliable early indicators to evaluate the effect of iron therapy in patients with IDA .

  14. 目的分析原发性胆汁性肝硬化(Primarybiliarycirrhosis,PBC)的临床特点、常伴疾病及治疗反应,提高对PBC的认识和治疗水平。

    Objective In order to facilitate our recognition of primary biliary cirrhosis ( PBC ), we studied PBC 's clinical features , main concomitant diseases and the responses to therapy .

  15. 结论:VEGF在恶性淋巴瘤患者血清和骨髓中的表达,对临床分期、病理恶性程度、肿瘤侵犯程度有一定指导意义;VEGF的检测对恶性淋巴瘤治疗反应的判断有一定价值;

    CONCLUSION : The serum or marrow VEGF levels in the malignant lymphoma patients are helpful in the evaluation of Dukes staging , clinicopathological characteristics and degree of invasion in the treatment .

  16. 我们报道的该病例为淋巴细胞型HES,临床表现以皮肤受累为主,对糖皮质激素治疗反应较好,甲磺酸伊马替尼对该患者有一定疗效。

    The case we report is lymphocytic HES , mainly skin involvement , better response to glucocorticoid treatment , efficacy of imatinib treatment .

  17. 方法:选择部分痤疮瘢疮的患者,用超脉冲CO2激光的各种不同能量参数进行不同部位的治疗反应。

    Method : In this article , we are selecting the patients with acne scar by using the different energy and handpiece of laser , recording the relation data , observing the treatment effect .

  18. 若以病变消退和稳定为治疗反应,则A组的反应率为77%而B组为65%(P<0.005)。

    If regression and stability of the disease were considered as objective response to treatment , the percentage of response was 77 % in group A and 65 % in group B ( [ WT5BX ] P [ WT5BZ ] < 0.005 ) .

  19. ACR和EULAR已经在发展痛风治疗反应的标准方面进行了合作,也可能会出现另一些相类似的合作。

    ACR and EULAR have collaborated on developing treatment-response criteria for gout , and other similar collaborations may occur .

  20. 血清IL6、IFNγ水平变化可作为监测小儿白血病治疗反应的一种手段。

    The changes of serum IL-6 and IFN - γ levels maybe served as a mean of monitoring the response to treatment of children with acute leukemia .

  21. 结论MGB-2阳性表达与卵巢上皮性癌患者的治疗反应和预后不良相关。

    Conclusions : MGB-2 expression is correlated with chemotherapy response and poor prognostic for the patients with ovarian carcinoma .

  22. 提示PaO2/FiO2、PaO2/PAO2和P(Aa)DO2是对ALI早期治疗反应的敏感指标;PaO2对预后的预警作用较为滞后。

    Conclusion It indicates that P ( A-a ) DO_ 2 , PaO_ 2 / FiO_ 2 and PaO_ 2 / P_ A O_ 2 are more sensitive than PaO_ 2 in the earlier treatment reaction .

  23. 目的山羊双侧卵巢切除(OVX)建立绝经后骨质疏松(PMO)动物模型,应用骨组织形态计量学方法观察OVX山羊对四环素雌酮(XW630)的治疗反应。

    Objective To establish the goat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis ( PMO ) by ovariectomy ( OVX ) and to evaluate the effects of tetracycline-estrone ( XW630 ) on ovariectomized goats by bone histomorphometry .

  24. 很多研究已经证明,应用检测少量血中循环肿瘤细胞簇(CTCs)的结果进行分析,对推测每个独立患者具体愈后,评估治疗反应的准确性和有效性都可以有明显改善。

    Many researches proved that assaying circulating tumor cells exist in a small amount of blood has been an obvious improvement to evaluate the response to the treatment accurately and efficiently for each independent patient after cured .

  25. 方法动态观察151例MDS患者的转白情况及转白患者(postMDSAL)的临床表现、血常规、骨髓象、染色体核型、细胞免疫表型及治疗反应、预后特点。

    Methods Leukemic transformation of MDS patients was dynamically followed up and the clinical manifestations , peripheral blood and bone marrow pictures , karyotypes , immunophenotypes , response to treatment and prognosis of post MDS acute leukemia ( postMDS AL ) were observed .

  26. 结论本研究提示肾脏可能为同种异基因免疫的靶器官,异基因造血干细胞移植后膜性肾病可能为cGVHD的一种临床表现,其对糖皮质激素治疗反应较好,尿蛋白逐渐转阴。

    Conclusion These findings suggest that the kidney may be the target organ of alloimmunity , and membranous nephropathy may be one of clinical manifestations of chronic GVHD , which is response to steroid , resulting in disappearance of proteinuria .

  27. 方法对40例SCLE患者进行3~14年的随访分析,比较两型SCLE患者临床表现和实验室检查异常变化、治疗反应及预后。

    Methods Forty patients with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus were followed-up for 3 to 14 years . The clinical and laboratory findings , the response to treatment and the prognosis in these cases were comparatively analyzed .

  28. 背景与目的为寻找新的特异性和敏感性更高的预后标志物,探讨卵巢上皮性癌组织中乳球蛋白-2(Mammaglobin-2,MGB-2)的表达与卵巢上皮性癌患者治疗反应和预后的关系。

    Background and purpose : In order to look for the new biomarker with higher specificity and sensitivity , we investigated the relationship between expression of MGB-2 and chemotherapy response , and tried to find out whether MGB-2 may sever as a prognostic factor for the patients with ovarian carcinoma .

  29. 背景:已有研究显示氯吡格雷治疗反应的变异性。

    Background : Response variability to clopidogrel therapy has been demonstrated .

  30. 136例精神分裂症扁执型患者对药物治疗反应的性别差异

    Sexual differences on psychopharmaca of 136 cases of paranoid schizophrenia