
  • 网络Therapeutic cloning;therapeutic clone;human therapeutic cloning
  1. 尽管(在治疗性克隆中)用患者自己的基因制造的ESCs能够减少这种风险,它可能并不总是可行的,诸如因为捐献的卵子的缺乏。

    While creating ESCs with a patient 's own genes ( as in therapeutic cloning ) reduces this risk , it may not always be practical , for reasons such as a shortage of donor eggs .

  2. 最后得出治疗性克隆技术是可以得到专利权保护的结论。

    Finally reached the therapeutic cloning technology can be obtained patent protection .

  3. 此外,诱导ES细胞体外定向造血细胞分化对于建立治疗性克隆以治愈多种血液病具有重要的研究和应用价值。

    Furthermore , in vitro differentiation of ES cells to hematopoietic cells is valuable for establishment of therapeutic clone against a variety of hematological disorders .

  4. 目前异体来源的ESCs在临床应用上还需要攻克细胞分化机制、免疫排斥等问题,而治疗性克隆获得的ESCs虽可以解决免疫排斥问题,但其技术复杂、离分化完全的功能细胞距离较远。

    Up to now , problems of the cell differentiation mechanism and immunological rejection of xenogenic resource ESCs meeted during clinical application were still not resolved .

  5. 治疗性克隆技术的进展及引发的社会伦理问题

    Progressing of colon-technology in medical and its subsequent social ethics problems

  6. 治疗性克隆与体细胞重编程:殊途同归

    Therapeutic Cloning and Somatic Cell Reprogramming : Every Road Leads to Rome

  7. 克隆人技术可分为治疗性克隆和生殖性克隆。

    Human Cloning can be divided into therapeutic clone and reproductive clone .

  8. 这两部分对治疗性克隆技术进行了较为详细的论述。

    The two parts on therapeutic cloning technology is described in detail .

  9. 治疗性克隆在神经移植治疗中的研究现状

    Current research status of therapeutic cloning in the neural transplantation

  10. 伦理问题也阻碍治疗性克隆的发展。

    Ethics also impeded the development of therapeutic cloning .

  11. 治疗性克隆的研究现状和前景

    The Research Status and Prospect for the Therapeutic Cloning

  12. 许多专家感到“诱导多能性”细胞的出现令“治疗性克隆”成为多余。

    Many experts feel the advent of iPS cells makes therapeutic cloning redundant .

  13. 生物遗传学家,专门研究治疗性克隆

    He 's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning .

  14. 治疗性克隆研究的进展,机遇和挑战

    Therapeutic Cloning : The Progresses , Opportunities and Challenges

  15. 体细胞核转移是治疗性克隆关键步骤,因此治疗性克隆与克隆人只有一步之遥。

    However , therapeutic cloning is just behind one step of human cloning .

  16. 治疗性克隆及人类胚胎管理伦理问题的调查和讨论

    Investigation and Discussion on the Ethical Issues of Therapeutic Cloning and Human Embryo Administrative

  17. 从细胞核移植技术到治疗性克隆与去衰老克隆的研究进展

    From Nuclear Transfer to Therapeutic and Rejuvenating Cloning

  18. 结果表明,各国政府普遍支持治疗性克隆的研究而反对生殖性性克隆(克隆人)的研究。

    Investigation shows that governments support researches on therapeutical cloning instead of productive cloning .

  19. 人类胚胎的价值和道德地位&治疗性克隆的合理性

    The value and moral status of human embryo & Ethically justification for human therapeutic cloning

  20. 如果允许进行治疗性克隆的话,则必须考虑如何加以管理控制。

    And if therapeutic cloning is allowed , they must consider how to regulate it .

  21. 治疗性克隆为很多疾病的治疗提供了新的策略。

    Therapeutic cloning has been suggested as a new strategy to treat a number of diseases .

  22. 核移植与治疗性克隆

    Nuclear Transfer and Therapeutic Cloning

  23. 治疗性克隆的研究进展

    Advances in the Therapeutic Cloning

  24. 人类需要治疗性克隆

    Mankind Need Treatment of Clone

  25. 核移植与治疗性克隆在畜牧业生产以及生物医学上具有广阔和诱人的应用前景。

    Nuclear transfer and therapeutic cloning have widespread and attractive prospects in animal agriculture and biomedical applications .

  26. 从技术应用的目的上看,克隆可以被划分为治疗性克隆与生殖性克隆。

    From the angle of applied technology , cloning can be itemized into therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning .

  27. 科学家为治疗性克隆辩护

    Scientist defends therapeutic cloning

  28. 第二节对克隆技术进行分类,分为生殖性克隆和治疗性克隆两大类。

    The second section classification of cloning technology , divided into reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning two categories .

  29. 本文认为,治疗性克隆符合生命伦理,人类需要治疗性克隆。

    The paper holds that treatment of clone matches the life ethics , mankind need treatment of clone .

  30. 现在说美国是否会接受治疗性克隆还为时过早。

    It 's still too early to say whether the United States will accept or reject therapeutic cloning .