
zhì xué
  • do scholarly research;pursue one's studies;make a study of subjects
治学 [zhì xué]
  • [do scholarly research;pursue one's studies] 做学问;钻研

  • 治学严谨

治学[zhì xué]
  1. 第四,进行了伶人治学的有益尝试。

    Fourthly , this journal proceeded good attempt to make actors do scholarly research .

  2. 他以治学严谨著称。

    He is noted for his meticulous scholarship .

  3. 他早在青年时期就懂得,科学上的因循守旧只能意味治学上的愚蠢

    He learned the lesson early in life that scientific conformity means intellectual stultification .

  4. 术前放射治疗+手术+术后化学治学治疗组(B组)92例;

    92 cases ( group B ) were given preoperative radiotherapy , then operated and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy .

  5. 两所院校在8月1日合并成为亨利商学院(HenleyBusinessSchool),这将是一个不太为人所知、但治学严谨的大学院系,与一个高调而成熟的管理品牌的合并。

    When the two become Henley Business School on August 1 , it will be the merger of a largely unknown but academically rigorous university department with a high-profile but mature management brand .

  6. 目前,KPK教材还处于实验阶段,这也反映了德国教育工作者治学严谨的态度。

    At present , the KPK textbooks still at the experimental stage , it also reflects the German education workers rigor attitude .

  7. 严谨、慎重的治学态度,值得后人学习。

    Strict and careful attitude towards study can also be learned .

  8. 探讨了治学方法与成才的密切关系,归纳了古今学者的一些治学方法。

    Their relationship is discussed and some learning methodologies are summarized .

  9. 朱熹《四书》学的治学特点

    The Characteristics of Zhu Xi 's Studies on the Four Books

  10. 诚信是做人的美德,也是治学的美德。

    Honesty is a virtue of learning as well as being .

  11. 他治经治学的重点和主要学术成就体现在朴学方面,他的经学思想则倾向于公羊学。

    His major interests and main scholarship were on philology .

  12. 本文是介绍当今著名的古籍版本学家潘景郑先生的治学历程及其在长期学术实践中的丰硕成果。

    This paper introduces the academic career and achievements of Mr.

  13. 论杨继洲的医德医风及治学方法

    Remarks on Yang Jizhou 's medical moralities and treatment & learning methods

  14. 思想道德素质决定和影响着学生的治学态度;

    Moral quality decides and influences students ' study attitudes .

  15. 视野和信念&台湾大学心理学扬国枢教授的治学之道

    Professor Yang Guoshu : His Field of Vision and Faith

  16. 远程教育是管理治学还是教师治学?

    Whether distance education is administrator management teaching or teacher management teaching .

  17. 故事开始了,不过是以恰当的治学方式。

    The storytelling begins , though , with proper scholarship .

  18. 李潢的治学方法、思想和态度

    Li 's Method , Thought and Attitude Toward his Research

  19. 确立学术研究的时代意识和时代感觉&治学心得

    Establishing academic research 's times consciousness and times sense : about study

  20. 学术自由、学术规范与教授治学

    Academic Freedom , Academic Standardization and Professors Governing Academic Studies

  21. 无症状性脑梗死危险因素与微观证治学

    ACI Risk Factor and Doctrine of Microscopic Diagnosis and Treatment

  22. 治学三境界与境界说

    Three Realms of Pursuing Study and the Theory of Realm

  23. 治学态度与治学方法(待续)

    Attitudes and Methods for Doing Scholarly Research ( to be continued )

  24. 回顾与反思&我的治学感悟

    Retrospect and Reflections & Thoughts from My Teaching and Research

  25. 漫谈中国古典诗歌中的治学诗

    Exploring Poems on Academic Pursuits among Chinese Classical Poetry

  26. 鲁宾逊新史学派的治学风格和分野

    The Academic Style and Landmark of the Robinson School of the New History

  27. 三是读书治学物质支撑的缺乏。

    Third is the lack substance support about learning .

  28. 座右铭:淡泊做人,宁静处世,严谨治学!

    My motto : Enjoying plain and peaceful life , Pursuing rigorous scholarship .

  29. 他一生锐于治学,在经学、历史学、自然科学、文学上均有造诣。

    He was accomplished in Jing xue , history , science and literature .

  30. 评《特色图书馆论》的说法、编法和不足藏书·读书·治学

    Comment on the Book On Characteristic Library Book Collection , Reading and Scholarship