
  • 网络Governance index;corporate governance index
  1. 通过分析公司治理指数对IPO审核结果的影响,结果表明,拟上市公司治理水平越高,其越容易通过发审委的审核。

    By analyzing the effect of the corporate governance index on the IPO audit results , the results show that higher levels of corporate governance of the issuer , the more easily through the issuance examination committee .

  2. 此外,本文通过主成分分析构造了公司治理指数,并从应收款和自营两个会计科目对公司的风险进行甄别。

    Furthermore , through the Principal Component Analysis , we construct the governance index , combined with two accounts ( account receivables and principal investments ), to identify the firms ' risk .

  3. 实证结果指出,当公司治理指数越高时,表示管理阶层的控制程度越强,可转债投资人持有的预期转换机率也会显著较低;

    The empirical results show that higher G-index which implies stronger managerial control significantly lead to lower expected conversion probability .

  4. 研究表明,我国上市公司利益相关者治理指数较低、治理机制较为薄弱、治理机制在不同上市公司之间差异较大。

    The research shows that Chinese listed companies have low CCGI ~ ( NK ) _ ( STH ) and weak stakeholders governance mechanisms , which vary greatly among listed companies .

  5. 民营上市公司治理指数与公司绩效指标之间关系的实证研究结果表明两者之间存在显著的正相关关系,并且治理指数对公司绩效指标有显著的解释力。

    Then , the paper makes an empirical study on the relation between corporate governance indexes and performance . The results show the index is dominantly relative to per - formance , and can account for it .

  6. 进一步对公司治理综合指数的变化分大于0和小于0两组,分别在t-1期和t期回归,检验结果都表明随着公司治理结构的改善,会计稳健性也随之提高。

    Further on the corporate governance changes in the sub-index is greater than 0 and less than 0 were , respectively , in t-1 period and the period t regression , the test results show that with the improvement of corporate governance , also to improve accounting conservatism .

  7. 公司治理评价指数:解析中国公司治理现状与走势

    Corporation governing evaluation index : analyzing current situations and trends of China Corporation Governing

  8. 实证结果表明,总体而言,公司内部治理综合指数确实对研发投入有显著的正面影响。

    The empirical results show that overall , the internal governance index does have a significant positive impact on R & D investment .

  9. 公司治理评价与指数研究正成为公司治理理论与实务领域的世界性课题。

    The study on corporate governance evaluation and index is a worldwide topic .

  10. 有关于将公司治理状况做成指数进行评级的,有分别从股权结构、管理层激励、董事会结构和外部治理等方面进行研究的。

    Someone made the corporate governance to index rating ; someone made research from the own ship structure , management incentives , and board structure and governance aspects of external research .

  11. 研究发现公司治理综合评价指数与财务报表重述负相关,且在10%的水平下显著。

    The study found that there was a negative relation between the index of comprehensive evaluation of corporate governance and financial statements restated , particularly significant on the level of10 % .

  12. 利益相关者治理评价和治理指数&基于中国最具价值上市公司评价

    Governance Appraisal and Governance Index on Stakeholders

  13. 公司治理评价、治理指数与公司业绩&来自2003年中国上市公司的证据

    Corporate Governance Evaluation , Corporate Governance Index ( CCGINK ) and Corporate Performance & Evidences from 2003 Chinese Listed Companies

  14. 上市公司利益相关者治理机制评价与治理指数分析

    Appraisals for Stakeholders Governance Mechanisms and Analyses of Stakeholders Governance Index of Listed Companies

  15. 全面剖析新加坡、中国公共治理现状:基于1996&2007年全球治理指数

    Comparing Singapore and China 's Public Governance by the Worldwide Governance Indicators from 1996 to 2007

  16. 但在数据可得的情况下,公司治理风险的衡量可以进一步采用多个指标构建综合性的公司治理风险指数进行董事会治理风险的预警。

    However , in the case of data are available , more indicators can be further used to build a comprehensive risk index to measure the governance risk and do researches on predicting the governance risk based on the board of directors .

  17. 基于公司治理自发传导机制和现有第三方显示机制的不足,我国资本市场迫切需要一个有效的公司治理第三方显示机制,即重新编制和发布一个公司治理股价指数。

    Based on the lack of both spontaneous transmission mechanisms and existing third-party display mechanism of Corporate Governance , Chinese capital market is need an effective third-party display mechanism of corporate governance urgently , that is re-conduct and public released an stock price index of corporate governance .