
zhì quán
  • Governance;administrative power
治权 [zhì quán]
  • [administrative power] 指统治权,即政府执行政务的权力,包括行政权、立法权、司法权、考试权、监察权五种

  1. 德治与法治的重点都是治权、治官。

    Emphasis of ruling by law and by benevolent policy is on administrative power .

  2. 大学的治权:理念和资金的关系

    University Governance Focused on the Relation between Academic Ideas and Financing

  3. 土地治权的变动与政权变迁土地治权变动中的政权变迁

    Changes of Political Power in the Change of Agrarian Managing Power

  4. 治权与职务犯罪预防

    On Administering Power and the Prevention of Official Crimes

  5. 依法治国的核心是依法治权

    Manipulating Power by Law is the Nucleus of Administering a Nation by Law

  6. 试析法治的重点是依法治权

    The Key of Government by Law is to Administer Power According to law

  7. 刍论治权能力通过直辖管治,把主权在英的最高原则治权化。

    Through direct domination , the supreme principle of " sovereignty belongs to Britain " was embodied in the power of governance .

  8. 同时,提高干部懂法、用法的能力,保证司法清廉是以法治权的基础条件。

    In the meanwhile , knowing law well , using law well and disinterested justice is the groundwork to make power under law .

  9. 因此,本文提出农村土地制度改革的逻辑主线为:土地产权和土地治权。

    Therefore , this paper proposes a logical framework of rural land institutional reform which integrates the land property rights and land Governmental-Power .

  10. 我要把你的朝衣给他穿上,把你的玉带给他束上,将你的治权交在他手中;

    I will clothe him with your robe , and gird him with your sash , and give over to him your authority .

  11. 而要实现这些目标,依法治权、依法治官、实现行政法治是唯一途径。

    To achieve these goals , by rights , law officers , the rule of law is the only way to achieve the administration .

  12. 国权指的是国家主权、治权以及国家利益结合基础上的国家权利,涉及政治、经济、军事等多方面内容。

    The country right refer to state sovereignty , sovereign power and country benefit , involving political , economic , military and other aspects .

  13. 法治的关键在于治权,治权的重中之重就是如何控制行政权。

    Power of the governance is the key rule of law , and the most important on controlling the power is how to control the administrative power .

  14. 树立法律权威须从两方面入手:一是以法治权、制约权力;

    To establish the authority of law , two measures are to be taken : one is to regulate the authorities by law and constrain their power ;

  15. 监察权伴随着权力机关的出现应运而生,其权力设置的原因一为治权、一为治官,其在任何政体中都处于举足轻重的地位。

    Supervision power comes into being along with organ of authority . Its setting is for governmental power and administering officials . It is in a pivotal position in any form of government .

  16. 治权可以通过法律和制度约束、限制、控制权力的行使,预防和减少因权力滥用而滋生的职务犯罪。

    Implementation of administering power will limit , re - strict and control the exertion of power with laws and regulations , and prevent and reduce the official crimes caused by abusing power .

  17. 发挥宪法的最高法律效力,强化民法、刑法、行政法以及程序法等对国家权力的制约作用,是我国实现依法治权的有效途径。

    To exert the most powerful validity of the Constitution , strengthen the power restricting functions of civil law , criminal law and administrative law are the effective means to carry out manipulating power by law .

  18. 建设法治政府体现了依法行政重在治权的内在精神,浓缩了依法行政追求公正与效率的价值目标。

    The construction of the government under rule of law embodies the inner spirit of administration according to law with emphasis of checking government power , and pursuit to justice and efficiency as the goal of administration .

  19. 加强对权力的制约和监督,必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持人民当家作主原则、权力制衡原则、依法治权原则以及党的领导原则。

    Intensifying the restriction and supervision of power must persist in popular sovereignty principle , power sharing principle , nomocracy principle and Party 's leadership under the guidance of the important thought on " Three Represents " .

  20. 因此,城乡统筹的核心是从制度上建立新型的城乡关系,关键是要素的自由流动,本质是产权和治权的统一。

    Therefore , the core of coordinating Urban-Rural is to build a new relationship between urban and rural areas from the system , the key is to let factor free flow , and the essence is the unity of property rights and Governmental-Power .

  21. 加强行政审判工作,是依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的战略需要,重点应放在依法治权、依法治官、依法保护行政相对方的合法权益上。

    To enhance administration trial work is a strategic need to rule the country by law and build socialist country ruling by law . Its focus should be put on managing the power and government officials by law , and protect lawful rights of administrative sides .

  22. 为此,必须树立以人为本的理念和依法治权的方略,采取循规有为与普选唯效的科学方法,遏制非经济手段扩张,促进经济管理方式的转变。

    Aiming at these courses to eliminate the possible harm , we should set up the man-orientated idea and administrate power according to law , adapt the compliance regulation and universal suffrage so as to contain the expansion by non-economic means and promote the transformation of economic management .

  23. 依法治县重在依法治权

    Emphasis on Governing County According to Law Is to Govern Power