
  • 网络Public security police;Ordnungspolizei, ORPO;Sicherheitspolizei;public security officer;vigilante cop;Orpo
  1. 治安警察滥用武力的实例不胜枚举。

    There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police .

  2. 治安警察向空中鸣后,人群才疏散开。

    Only when security guards fired shots in the air did the crowd disperse .

  3. 我是治安警察,负责维护这里的治安,请你配合我的工作。

    I 'm a uniformed policeman , I 'm in charge of public order here , please support me .

  4. 并从行政法视野就立法、管理体制、程序控制、监督机制四个方面对规制治安警察权的提出相关建议。

    From the perspective of legal regulation of administrative law , management system , process control , monitoring mechanisms four aspects of the regulatory system of policing the police the right to make relevant recommendations .

  5. 治安与警察是人类社会公共安全的行为保障。

    The public security and police are the behavior guarantee of public security .

  6. 列车上共有46名经验丰富的乘务员和两名负责治安的警察。

    The train has46 experienced stewards , as well as two policemen to deal with security .

  7. 治安员和警察介入后分开了双方,让Jamie和KATE一起离开,不过他们是去了烤肉店。

    Security officers and police intervened to break up the brawl and Jamie was let off to leave with Kate-though stopping off first for their meaty kebab treat .

  8. 骑警队被叫来维持治安。派警察维持街道治安

    Mounted police were brought in to maintain law and order . police a street

  9. 治安调解作为警察行政行为之一,也是多元化纠纷解决机制内解决纠纷的方式之一。

    Security mediation is the administrative behavior for policeman and is one of the dispute solving methods within the multi-dimensional dispute solving mechanism .

  10. 近年来,严峻的社会治安形势使警察执法活动的危险大大增加,警察执法过程中的执法权益受到侵害,人身安全得不到保障的状况日趋严重。

    In recent years , severe social security situation makes the police enforcement activities increases greatly , the risk in the process of the law enforcement law enforcement rights are infringed , personal security vacuum condition becomes more and more serious .

  11. 为挽救其统治,清政府做了种种努力,逐渐建立起具有现代社会治安管理职能的警察体系并相继出台了诸多警察管理法规。

    To save itself from declining , the Qing government made all sorts of efforts to set up a quasi-modern police system with rules and regulations for its public security management functioning .

  12. 治安法官对大法官负责。治安由本地警察负责。

    Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor . The maintenance of law and order is in the hand of the local police force .

  13. 然而,我国近年来和西方国家自上世纪70年代以来的治安管理实践表明,治安管理主体呈现多元化,其他社会治安组织与政府警察机构合作、互动,共同维护社会秩序,实现社会和谐。

    However , the practice of public security administration in our country and western countries shows that subjects of public security administration display diversification . Other public security organizations cooperate and interact with police organizations of government to maintain social order together and realize harmony in society .