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  • press gallery;press box
  1. 记者席经常放着的大写字台被搬走了。

    The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks .

  2. 记者席里有3个板球评论家。

    There were three cricket commentators in the press box .

  3. 所以,看在上帝份上,不要在记者席欢呼。

    So , for goodness'sakes , no cheering in the press box .

  4. 记者席(尤指议会里或法庭上的)。

    Press-gallery ( esp in Parliament or in a lawcourt )

  5. 但那个星期六,2月12日,我在记者席上欢呼了。

    But on that Saturday , Feb.12 , I cheered in the press box .

  6. 她走进会议大厅,在新闻记者席上就座。

    She went into the convention hall and took a seat at the press table .

  7. 这条蛇从记者席处被清理掉,但仍使一些体育记者虚惊一场。

    The snake was removed from the press box but not before scaring a few sports writers .

  8. 昨天晚上,正是凭着这枚徽章,使我得以进入鸟巢的即席记者席。

    Last night , the badge earned me entrance into the press tribune of the Bird 's Nest .

  9. 即席记者席的位置太好了–正好位于跑道中心,距离跑道只有几米远。

    The tribune seats were exquisite & dead center of the track , just meters away from the asphalt .

  10. 他注意到记者席上的人都在忙着记录,官方按音速记员也低着头,手指飞快地动着。

    He observed that everyone at the press table was scribbling and the official stenotypist had his head down , fingers racing .

  11. 这场比赛涌入大量观众,记者席上也挤满了,有七个电视摄影工作人员在场。

    The game was played in front of a vociferous crowd , with a packed press box and seven TV camera crews present .

  12. 不过,卡特表演令我印象最深的一点在于,我打破了体育报导的首要原则:不得在记者席上喝彩。

    Yet , the reason I most remember Carter 's performance was that I broke one of sportswriting 's cardinal rules : No cheering in the press box .

  13. 服务区包括:记者工作间、看台记者席、新闻发布厅、混合厅、媒体餐馆休息区。

    Services areas : Press Workroom , Press Tribune , Press Conference Room , Mixed Zone , Media Lounge .