
  1. 对教学视频进行实录,把教师的教学决策过程转换为文字记录稿。

    Then converting the instructional video into text transcripts .

  2. 韩国稍后转发了这份声明的记录稿。

    South Korea later issued a transcript .

  3. 根据2月的一份讲话记录稿记载,他罕见地坦言自己随时会人头落地。

    In a rare candid note , written that February , he admitted that he thought he might be beheaded at any time .

  4. 《盐铁论》由西汉儒家学者桓宽根据此次会议的记录稿整理成书以盐铁命名。

    The book on Salt and Iron by Huan Kuan Han Confucian scholars according to the transcript of the meeting to order a book named the Salt and Iron .

  5. 首先,研究者对前测的有声思维录音记录稿进行了分析,发现被试的阅读障碍集中体现在滥用背景知识、语言知识不足及语篇知识不足三个方面。

    Firstly , the researcher analysed the protocol of the pre-test think-aloud data and found that the subjects had the obstacles of background knowledge abuse , insufficient language knowledge and insufficient text knowledge in reading comprehension .