
jì yīn
  • phonetic notation
  1. 书写形式几乎只是单纯记音、不表示意义,在多音节词中有的词缀被视为音节而不是语素。

    In polysyllable word , some affixes are considered syllable , but not morpheme .

  2. 谈谈汉语国际音标记音的信息处理

    On the Message Processing of IPA for Chinese

  3. 传教士罗马字记音反映的官话音-k尾

    The Romanized Spelling Noted by Missionaries which Reflects a-k Final in the Mandarin Sounds

  4. 盘古是壮语“盘勾”的汉字记音。

    Pangu is the phonetic notation of Chinese characters to " Pangou " of Zhuang language .

  5. 三是汉译外来词纯记音成分的语素化;

    The third one is the components which marking loanword , s sound turn into morpheme .

  6. 声学实验结果与传统记音结果相比较,既有相同点也有不同点。

    Similarities and differences exist when compared the results of acoustical experiment with that of traditional recording ways .

  7. 方法对52例腭裂病人的普通话声母和单元音韵母采用传统语音学听音、记音的方法进行比较分析。

    Method The initial consonants and simple vowels of a Chinese syllable of 52 patients with cleft palate were analyzed by the means of conventional phonetics .

  8. 以听音、记音为考查方式,笔者分析、总结及评估学生听辨偏误的主要规律及程度。

    To listen to the sound , transcription for examination way , the author analyzed and concluded and evaluate students ' main rule book errors and degree .

  9. 因此,如果在传统记音方法的基础上,辅以语音分析软件,将使方言语音研究更为精密、客观。

    So on the basis of using the traditional measure if we can use phonetic analyze software which can make the dialect phonetic research more objective and exact .

  10. 由于白语是记音语言,不可避免的出现了大量同音词,这就要求用不同的名量词来区分事物。

    Because the language of Bai is kept in terms of sounds , it is inevitably to meet plenty of homonyms , which claim to distinguish things by using different noun quantifiers .

  11. 由于研究人员利用材料的不同、发音合作人的差异以及研究方法等的不同,所得出来的结论也有所不同,尤其是在记音、整理和归纳上都表现出这样或那样的差异。

    However , due to such differences in research as materials , cooperating speaker and study method , the conclusions that the researchers drew are also various , especially in sound recording .

  12. 《洛阳伽蓝记》双音新词研究

    On study of double tone neologism in Notes to Luoyang Buddist Temple

  13. 首先说明论文的选题意义,其次介绍《西厢记》的版本情况及本研究使用的底本,最后制定出《西厢记》双音词的界定标准。

    At first , show the topic significance . The second , introduce the situation of the Western Chamber version and the master copy used in this study . At last , work out the defined standards of the dual words in the Western Chamber .