
  • 网络record format
  1. 数据描述类允许Java程序通过对象来描述数据缓冲区的记录格式。

    The data description classes allow a Java program to describe the record format of a buffer of data with an object .

  2. 视频DV记录格式及其帧内压缩原理

    DV record format and the principle of frame data compression

  3. 本文首先系统的研究并提出了一种新的基于ServerSession的服务器日志记录格式。

    This paper studies the system , and proposed a new based Server Session log format .

  4. 这三种类型是基于记录格式、语句和过程的Handler程序。

    The three types are format , statement or procedure-based handlers .

  5. 构建一个基于记录格式的Handler程序

    Building a Format-based Handler Program

  6. MP3是当今最为流行的音乐记录格式。

    MP3 is one of the most popular sound formats for music recording .

  7. DWARF(使用任意记录格式调试)是面向ELF文件的一种较新的格式。

    DWARF ( debug with arbitrary record format ) is a more recent format for ELF files .

  8. 例如,使用COBOL或RPG编写的应用程序可以容易地与WebSphereMQ队列交换记录格式的消息。

    Applications written in , say , COBOL or RPG , can easily exchange record-formatted messages with WebSphere MQ queues .

  9. SIF记录格式还包含特定于delta的列,以协助将现有数据库记录的指示符值设置为NULL。

    The SIF record format also contains delta specific columns to assist in setting the indicator values of existing database records to NULL .

  10. 通过使用Palette视图,您可以将区域与常件之类的对象拖拉到记录格式设计区域中。

    By using the Palette view , you can drag objects such as fields and constants onto the record format design area .

  11. 这包括使用数据结构或RPG内置函数%FIELDS更新文件或记录格式。

    This includes updating the file or record format using data structures or the RPG built-in function % FIELDS .

  12. 为应用GIS技术建立成矿区带矿产资源评价的多源地学信息系统,本文对物化探信息按GIS技术上的要求,建立了科学、规范、实用的数据分层标准及数据记录格式。

    With the aim of developing GIS a multisource geoscience information system for estimating mineral resource in metallogenic provinces , a scientific , normal and practical criterion of data layer and data format were presented in the paper .

  13. 在该原型系统中实现对于数据库结构的定义、对象存储格式定义,日志类型、日志记录格式的定义,以及数据库对象标识OID的分配管理等。

    Database structure definition , object store structure definition , log record type and structure definition , OID management are realized in this prototype .

  14. SEG-D记录格式是一种被广泛使用的地震数据记带格式。

    SEG-D record format is a sort of record format being widely used .

  15. 详细地探讨了IGES的文件构成和数据记录格式,并在参阅国内外相关文献的基础上,编写了IGES接口程序,保证了开发的曲面重构系统与其它专业CAD软件的数据交流。

    Based on discussing in detail IGES file structure and data record form , and referring to the corresponding literatures published in the domestic and international journals , IGES interface program is presented .

  16. 介绍在不同CAD/CAM系统间进行数据交换时所采用的标准IGES的历史地位、数据交换原理、文件内容、数据记录格式、存在问题以及解决办法。

    Initial graphics exchange specification ( IGES ) is used in different CAD / CAM systems for data exchanging . The paper describes the history , principle of data exchange , file structure , standard data form and existing questions of IGES in detail .

  17. 为了处理程序的完善,详细阐述了SEG-Y的数据记录格式及其读取实现;

    For perfecting the software of TSP-203 system , the format and realization of SEG-Y 's data are expressed in detail .

  18. SEG-D格式使用方便、灵活,但其灵活性也导致记录格式的不统一。

    It is easy to use for its convenience and flexibility . But its flexibility causes the inconsistent of the data record format as well .

  19. 磁盘记录格式为:每面80磁道,每盘160磁道,每磁道5扇区,每扇区1024字节,与IBM-PC系列计算机磁盘格式不兼容。

    The disk physical format is 80 tracks per side , 5 sectors per track , 1024 bytes per sector . It is not compatible with the disk format on IBM personal computers , IBM-compatible computer using the DOS operating system .

  20. 在支持向量机的应用研究中,设计了一种存放用户呼叫信息的数据记录格式,该记录格式适用于awk程序对呼叫行为特征进行提取。

    In the research on the usage of Support Vector Machine , a data record format used to store the user call information is designed . Through the record format , awk can be effective used to extract features of users call behavior .

  21. 浅层数字地震仪磁带记录格式及解编计算机模拟震波传播记录

    Digital magnetic tape format and demultiplex for the shallow digital seismic instrument

  22. 磁带录像机记录格式与技术性能的变革与发展

    Reformation and development of VTR format and technical characteristics

  23. McSEIS-1600地震仪磁盘记录格式及数据解编系统

    McSIES-1600 Seismograph Disk Format and Converted Data Systen

  24. 因此,对于固定记录格式,会获得整个记录,包括末尾的空白。

    So for fixed record formats , you 'll get the entire record , including trailing blanks .

  25. 对于面向机器的记录格式而言,这一般是指来自问题域主数据上的特定于应用程序的符号。

    For machine-oriented records formats , this generally means application-specific notations on the main data from the problem-domain .

  26. 在报告设计器中,您可以创建一个报告,它集中了您所选择的记录格式。

    In the Report Designer , you can create a REPORT that is a collection of record formats that you select .

  27. 在本例中,它用于定义包含Handlder程序中使用的记录格式定义的真实文件。

    In this case it is used to define the real file containing the record format definition used in the handler program .

  28. 数字地震记录格式问题在理论上是一个简单的、而在实践上却是一个复杂的问题。

    Digital recording format of seismic data is a simple problem in theory , however , itis a complex problem in practice .

  29. 回顾了录像机的发展历史,对其记录格式与技术性能的变革及发展作了综述和分析。

    Developmental history of VTR is described , and based on this , reformation and development of VTR format and technical characteristics is summarized .

  30. 本文简要介绍了光盘只读存储器(cd-rom)的存储原理,着重描述了它的物理记录格式,并详细讨论了光盘的控制和显示机制。

    This paper briefly introduces the store principle of a cd-rom , describes itsphysical record form , and discussses its control and display mechanism .