
  • 网络SNR;Video Signal to noise ratio;signal to noise ratio;VSNR;Video SNR
  1. 电视跟踪系统视频信噪比测试研究

    Study on Testing Video Signal to Noise Ratio of Television Tracking System

  2. 本系统目前数据速率为2.048Mb/s,视频信噪比为40dB(不加权),传输距离为10公里。

    The data rate at present is 2.048Mb/s . The signal to noise ratio of video is 40dB ( non-weighted ) . The transmission distance is 10 km .

  3. 视频信噪比(SNR)是微光摄像机的一项重要的综合性指标,在评价和设计新型微光摄像机方面起着举足轻重的作用。本文详细介绍我室研制的微光摄像机信号噪声特性测试与分析系统。

    Video signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) is an essential parameter in evaluating the low light level ( LLL ) cameras . A detailed introduction to this testing system is given .

  4. 提出了一种采用三维噪声理论和数字图像处理技术对电视跟踪系统视频信噪比(SNR)进行测试的新方法,并给出了测试系统的结构框图和部分测试结果。

    A new method for testing the video signaltonoise ratio ( SNR ) of television tracking system was brought forward , in which3D noise theory and digital image processing technique was adopted .

  5. 水印的提取具有盲检功能,无需原图象;水印的嵌入不影响I帧的图象质量,与嵌入水印前的原压缩图象相比,嵌入水印后的视频图象信噪比损失很小。

    The embedded watermark by such algorithm can be extracted blindly without affecting the I-frame image quality and degrading PSNR compared with original image .

  6. 试验证明,在采用新的选择算法、搜索算法和变换与量化过程后,在视频图像信噪比基本上不变的情况下,运算复杂度大大降低,提高了视频压缩编码效率。

    The experiment proved that after the process of adopting new selection algorithm , searching algorithm , integral transfer and quantity , the complication of calculation is decreased greatly .

  7. 采用相关双采样技术滤除CCD输出信号复位噪声,提高了视频信号的信噪比。

    After adopting the correlated double sampling technique and filtering the reset noise of CCD , the paper enhance the signal to noise ratio of the video signal .

  8. 仿真实验表明,在无线网络带宽和信道误码率不同的情况下,这种最优策略都能使接收端信源解码后的视频图像峰值信噪比(PSNR)既稳定又具鲁棒性。

    Simulation results show that , as the bite-error rate and band-width of the wireless channel change , the proposed scheme endues the PSNR of the decoded video picture at the receiver with stability and robustness .

  9. 在保持现有光流计算方法的前提下,通过调节时间维和空间维的方差参数,改变时空预滤波和光滑效果,突出时间混叠和光流主信息,从而提高重构视频序列的信噪比。

    The pre-filtering and smoothing effect , which attenuate the temporal aliasing and the interesting signal structure of the optical flow field , are altered with adjusting the spatiotemporal standard deviation parameters .

  10. 实验结果表明,经所提出的算法嵌入水印后的视频的峰值信噪比损失小且水印嵌入量大,且提取算法具有盲检测功能,能够自适应精确的提取水印。

    Experimental results indicate that after applying the algorithm by embedding the watermark , the video peak value signal-to-noise radio loses slightly , and the watermark embedding quantity is big . The extraction algorithm has the blind measuring ability , which can auto-adapted extract the watermark precisely . 4 .

  11. 通过该判决机制的编解码框架能在尽量不影响视频帧的峰值信噪比的情况下降低传输的码率。

    The coding and decoding framework through this decision mechanism can reduce transferring code rate without affecting video frame peak signal-to-noise ratio .

  12. 实验表明该算法较好地去除了视频序列的高频抖动,同时保留了摄像机的主动运动,稳像后视频序列的峰值信噪比明显提高。

    Experimental results show the correct vectors of camera are reserved while dithers are eliminated , the peak signal-to-noise ratio of smoothed video is higher than that of the original video .