
  • 网络apparent sun
  1. 二十四节气在天文学上是以视太阳在黄道上的位置来确定的。

    Astronomically , the Twenty-four Solar Terms are defined according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic .

  2. 佩金斯太太早已和那位心地善良的女人&派珀尔太太重修旧好,俩人这会儿正亲切地谈着话。几乎每种文化都把琥珀视为太阳的一小块,认为它能为佩戴者带来好运。

    Mrs. Perkins , more than reconciled to Mrs. Piper , says in an amicable conversation with that excellent woman . And almost every culture had regarded amber as a bit of the sun with the power to bring good fortune to anyone who held it .

  3. 香港的正常潮汐涨退幅度介乎一至两米之间,视乎月亮及太阳的相对影响而定。

    The normal tidal range in Hong Kong waters is between one and two metres , depending on the relative influence of the moon and sun .

  4. 22日公开的发现激动人心,被视为开启探索太阳系外外星生物的首批现实机遇之一,也是人类首次发现如此多的行星环绕在同一颗恒星周围。

    The exciting discovery announced Wednesday has been deemed one of the first realistic opportunities to begin a search for alien life outside our system as well as the first time so many planets were discovered circling the same star .