
wàn nián lì
  • perpetual calendar;permanent calendar
万年历 [wàn nián lì]
  • [perpetual calendar] 适用于很多年的历书

万年历[wàn nián lì]
  1. 具有万年历功能的手表。

    A watch with a built-in permanent calendar .

  2. 基于实时时钟芯片与LCD屏的万年历的设计

    Design of perpetual calendar based on real-time clock and LCD

  3. 本文介绍了一种基于片上可编程系统(SOPC)设计万年历的方法。

    This paper introduces a design of a perpetual calendar based on SOPC technology .

  4. 这篇文章介绍了SOC的设计方法和发展情况并且深入讨论了在SOC基础上以8051IP核心的万年历的设计。

    This article introduces the designing method and developing situation of System On Chip ( SOC ) and discusses intensively the design of calendar circuit with DW8051 IP core .

  5. 万年历电路芯片项目的内容是由我们VLSI设计中心为香港某半导体工业公司开发一块数字大规模集成电路,该芯片是本设计中心第一块拥有独立产权的具有广阔市场前景的商业化产品。

    The project of the calendar 1C in our VLSI Design Center is to develop a typical large scale integrate circuit chip for a HongKong semiconductor . industry company , is the first commercial VLSI product with our own independent property rights which has a wide market perspective .

  6. 万年历,带月份,日期与星期。

    Perpetual calendar with month , date , day of week .

  7. 定时提醒信息通过系统的万年历时钟模块管理。

    Reminding time information is managed through the system calendar clock module .

  8. 万年历功能模块设计。

    ( 6 ) Design of calendar module .

  9. 可存储1000组称重数据,具有高可靠的数据断电保护和万年历时钟功能。

    Group may be weighing data storage , high-power and reliable data protection and calendar clock function .

  10. 内置多款游戏,万年历;

    Built-in game and10000 calendar ;

  11. 本文具体介绍了用8031单片机构成的汉字显示万年历时钟。

    This paper introduces a chinese displaying perpetual calendar clock which is made up if 8031 single-chip Microcomputer .

  12. 行走在万年历之间

    Shuttling Between Perpetual Calendar

  13. 本系统除了里程统计和费用计算以外,还具有万年历和语音播报功能。

    In addition to the system and the cost of mileage statistics , also has calendar functions and voice broadcast .

  14. 串口万年历,有农历换算,通过单片机传到上位机串口助手界面,有定时,闹铃,时钟。

    Serial calendar , there are Lunar conversion , spread through the microcontroller serial port PC interface aides have time , alarm , clock .

  15. 国君深为感动,为纪念万年的功绩,便将太阳历命名为“万年历”,封万年为日月寿星。

    Guojun deeply touched , to commemorate the achievements of thousands of years , they put a solar calendar named " calendar " years for the sun and the moon god of longevity closure .

  16. 该遥控器不仅具有语音识别功能,还加入了温度采集、语音报温的功能,且在不增加成本的情况下,给语音遥控器加入了万年历计算、语音报时等功能。

    The remote controller has not only the speech recognition function but also the functions of temperature acquisition and temperature announcement . And , the functions of perpetual calendar and time announcement are added to the remote controller without increasing the cost .

  17. 因为工作和学习的原因,现在大家过的全是阳历,都不知道今天是农历什么时候,所以我为大家准备了这个农历万年历,可以显示今天是农历几月几日。

    Because the job and study of reason , now everyone have is full of the Gregorian calendar , all don 't know today is the when , so we provide you with the lunar calendar , can display today is the date .