
  1. 全国共有2054万城镇居民得到政府最低生活保障救济。

    A national total of 20.54 million urban residents received the minimum income relief from the government .

  2. 1993年至2001年间,中国约有4300万城镇居民下岗,这一数字相当于中国城镇劳动力人数总和的1/4。

    Between 1993 and 2001 , 43 million urban employees were laid off , amounting to a quarter of China 's total urban labor force .

  3. 中国政府希望创造1000万个城镇就业岗位,使官方城镇失业率保持在4.6%以下。

    The government wants to create 10 million urban jobs and keep the official urban employment rate under 4.6 % .

  4. 成都市廉租住房自1999年开始实施以来,截至2007年年底已经成功解决8.25万户城镇低收入家庭的住房问题。

    By end of the year 2007 , Chengdu had successfully resolved 82,500 urban low-income families housing problem since been implementing low-cost housing projects from the year 1999 .

  5. 新的报告表示,每天大约有20万人口向城镇转移。

    The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move into cities and towns each day .

  6. 答:当前全国企业下岗职工1151万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。

    A : At present , there are 11.51 million laid-off workers nationwide , and the urban registered unemployment rate is 3.1 percent .

  7. 预测亚2010年,全县城镇人口将达29.8万人,城镇用地规模将达到2952公顷。

    By 2010 , the urban population in Luchuan will grow to 298 thousands and the land area devoted to urban uses will increase to 2952 hm.

  8. 试点计划将会在超过10万人口的城镇推出,使得城镇能够有县级政府管理局。

    Pilot projects will be carried out in some towns with a population over 100000 that will enable them have county-level administration authority , according to the statement .

  9. 据美联社报道,这座宪兵大楼已被烧毁,但房间里发现有血迹,这也佐证了这座4万人的城镇上周发生兵变的报道。

    The building was burnt out , according to AP , and there were bloodstains in rooms , which bolstered reports of a mutiny last week in the town of 40000 .

  10. 1994年城乡从业人员人数比1991年增加4730万人,城镇失业率保持在2.8%以下。

    The number of urban and rural employees in 1994 showed an increase of 47.3 million over the 1991 figure , with the unemployment rate in cities and towns remaining below 2.8 percent .

  11. 2008年至2012年转移农村人口8463万人,城镇化率由45.9%提高到52.6%,城乡结构发生了历史性变化。

    From 2008 to 2012 , a total of 84.63 million rural laborers moved to cities and towns , raising the urbanization rate from 45.9 percent to 52.6 percent and effecting a historic change in China 's urban-rural structure .

  12. 城镇新增就业1221万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入实际增长8.4%和11.4%。

    A total of 12.21 million new urban jobs were created . The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents rose in real terms by 8.4 % and 11.4 % , respectively .

  13. 城镇新增就业1221万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入实际增长8.4%和14.1%。

    A total of 12.21 million new urban jobs were created . The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents rose in real terms by 8.4 % and 14.1 % , respectively .

  14. 五年城镇新增就业和转移农业劳动力各达到4000万人,城镇登记失业率控制在5%左右。

    The number of newly added urban employees and that of transferred rural labor force in the five years will reach 40 million respectively , and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns will be kept at around 5 percent .

  15. 经济的发展是靠城镇带动的,城镇是经济要素的重要载体,也是经济的核心辐射源。从2006年至2010年,每年至少有1500万人通过城镇化,从农民变为市民。

    Economic development on the spur of the town is an important economic factors , it is also the core radiation sources from 2006 to 2010 . every year , at least 15 people by urbanization , from the farmers into the public .

  16. 1亿多非户籍人口在城市落户的行动正在继续,1300万人在城镇找到了工作,解决棚户区问题的住房开工了580万套,新市民有了温暖的家。

    More than 100 million people from our rural areas are gradually becoming permanent residents in our cities . 13 million have found jobs , and construction has begun on 5.8 million new homes for those people living in dilapidated houses . Many have already moved into their new warm homes .

  17. 公共财政收入从5.1万亿元增加到11.7万亿元;累计新增城镇就业5870万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均分别增长8.8%、9.9%;

    and now ranks second in the world.Government revenue went up from 5.1 trillion yuan to 11.7 trillion yuan . A total of 58.7 million urban jobs were created.The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by an annual average of 8.8 % , and the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.9 % .

  18. 中国的目标是,2020年城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇调查失业率控制在6%左右。

    China aims to add over 9 million new urban jobs in 2020 , and keep the surveyed urban unemployment rate at around 6 percent .

  19. 1978年以来,城乡从业人员共增加了32873万人,其中城镇增加了14426万人。

    Since 1978 , the number of employees in urban and rural areas has increased by 328.73 million , of which 144.26 million are urban employees .

  20. 2002年力争新增就业800万人,将城镇登记失业率控制在4.5%左右。

    In 2002 , efforts will be made to provide jobs for 8 million people and keep the urban registered unemployment rate at around 4.5 percent .

  21. 城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内。

    More than 9 million new jobs will be created in towns and cities . The registered urban unemployment rate will be kept at 4.6 percent or lower .

  22. 截止到2002年,全国共有小城镇1.98万个,小城镇指居民人口数量不超过一万人,大多数为乡镇一级政府所在的城镇。

    The small town means the town in that the number of resident population is no more than 10,000 people , mostly in where the township government is .

  23. 2008年末,我省常住人口总数达3762万人,其中城镇人口总数1583.8万人,占总人口的42.1%,而且我省总人口的8.97%属于65岁以上老年人。

    Late 2008 , in our province , the resident population , including 3762 million total of urban population 1583.8 million , 8.97 % belong to 65 years old .

  24. 全年城镇新就业700万人,下岗人员再就业245万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。

    Last year , 7 million people in cities and towns found their first jobs , and 2.45 million laid off workers were reemployed and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1 % .

  25. 据统计,中国劳动力资源呈持续上升趋势,2001年劳动力资源为95905万人,而劳动力需求量为72168万人,城镇劳动力需求量25259万人。

    According to the statistics , the Chinese labor force resources present ascending trend , the number of labor force resources in 2001 is 959,050,000 , but the demanding of labor force is 721 , 680 , 000 , While 252 , 590 , 000 people in town .