
  1. 太阳滋育着万物生长。

    The sun gives life to all things on earth .

  2. 斯旺女士万物生长都离不开根

    In order for something to grow Ms. Swan it needs roots

  3. 这是万物生长的时节。

    This is the time for all plants to grow .

  4. 时光能使万物生长,也能将万物毁灭。

    Time make all thing grow , and destroy all .

  5. 这份爱超越了万物生长

    This Love that seeming great beyond the power of growth

  6. 万物生长都依靠太阳。

    All living things depend on upon the sun for their growth .

  7. 这是春天万物生长的开始。

    It was the beginning of sping , when things start to grow .

  8. 在春天万物生长。

    Everything begins to grow in spring .

  9. 太阳使万物生长。

    The sun makes everything grow .

  10. 万物生长的飞快。

    Everything grows very quickly .

  11. 愉悦的气氛中,万物生长茁壮&让。保罗。里奇,德国作家。

    Cheerfulness is the atmosphere under which all things thrive & Jean Paul Richter , German writer .

  12. 水,是生命的摇篮;水,是万物生长的乳汁。

    Water , is the cradle of life ; water , milk is the growth of all things .

  13. 中国需要和平,就像人需要空气一样,就像万物生长需要阳光一样。——

    Peace is to China what air is to people as well as sunshine is to all things growing .

  14. 太阳底下没有新事物。万物生长都依靠太阳。

    There be nothing new under the sun . All living things depend on ( upon ) the sun for their growth .

  15. 女性的身体在她的作品中被夸张变形,如同丰饶的母体,孕育着万物生长、四季更迭;

    The female bodies in her works were exaggerated and distorted like a fertile mother pregnant with all things grow and seasons change ;

  16. “年”一来,树木凋蔽,百草不生:“年”一过,万物生长,鲜花遍地。

    " Years " way , withered trees to hide , not Baicao Health : " In the " one-off , all things grow , flowers everywhere .

  17. 今天,新的旭日为我升起,万物生长,生机勃勃,一切都激发着我的激情,一切都让我如此珍惜。—

    Today a new sun rises fo me ; everything lives , everything is animated , everything seems to speak to me of my passion , everyting invites me to cherish it .

  18. 水是生命的源泉,是万物生长的基础,人类对水有与生俱来的亲近之感;水也是人类与自然的联系纽带。

    Water is the source of life , growth is the basis of all living things , human beings are born with the water close to the sense of water for human and nature of the link .

  19. 尽管2015年她仅仅出演了两部剧:一部是《万物生长》,该片取得中国票房第二的不俗成绩;另一部《王朝的女人》,此片一经上映,遂遭恶评如潮。第二位:孙俪。

    That comes despite her only appearing in two major releases in 2015 , Ever Since We Loved , which reached a peak of number two at the Chinese box office , and Lady of the Dynasty - a film which was critically panned after its international release .

  20. 太阳的温暖使万物得以生长。

    Whose warmth makes all things grow .

  21. 没有水,万物不能生长,世界将成为荒漠;

    Without water , nothing on earth can live and the world will become a desert .

  22. 河水泛滥带来了泥沙,万物得以生长埃及就这样成了古代世界的粮仓。

    With the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world .

  23. 自然界万物的生长,都是有自己的客观规律的,人无力强行改变这些规律。

    The growth of all things in nature are of the objective laws of their own , unable to force people to change these laws .

  24. 万物靠太阳生长。

    All living things depend on the sun for their growth .

  25. 如果没有阳光、空气和水,世界万物就不能生长。

    Without sunlight , air and water , nothing could grow in the world .

  26. 所以圣人春夏养阳,秋冬养阴,以从其根,故与万物沉浮于生长之门。

    The changes of Yin and Yang in the four seasons are the roots of all the things in nature .