
shuǐ zé
  • a region of rivers, lakes and marshes
水泽 [shuǐ zé]
  • [marshy land] 指遍布河湖沼泽的地区

  1. 西塞山野雁自翔,小桥水泽浸芳园。

    The wild goose cisse , small water extraction .

  2. 厄科和其他爱着他的居于山林水泽的仙女们前去哀悼他时,没有找到他。

    Echo and the other nymphs who 'd loved him came to mourn but found no one .

  3. 深埋于水泽之地的出土乌木,自然天成,精妙绝伦,叹为观止非人力所能为也。

    Mizusawa buried in the excavation of the land of ebony , natural Tiancheng , exquisite , stunning non-human can do so .

  4. 为肌肤注入饱满的水份,创造水泽透明妆容、无负担感;

    The foundation injects the energetic moisture content into skin , creates the transparent dressing of making up , there is no sense of burden .

  5. 你可能很难想象现在这片被称为人间天堂的富庶之地,当年曾经荆棘密布,水泽湖泊交错,并时常洪水泛滥。

    It might be hard to imagine that this wealthy land which enjoys the reputation of " heaven on earth " then was covered with thorns and lakes .

  6. 海神特里同斯,女神涅瑞伊得斯还有水泽仙女他们总是与水息息相关。在他面前,有位少女站在溪流中间,一个人静静的,出神地远望着大海。

    Tritons , Nereids , and nymphs will always have a meaning on a fountain . A girl stood before him in midstream , alone and still , gazing out to sea .

  7. 此外,还对水泽和尤凯亚站的纬度序列作了分析,分别存在27.2年和32.9年的长周期摆动。

    In addition , the analyses of the latitude series at both Mizusawa and Ukiah stations are also made in this paper , and the pole oscillates with the periods of 27,2 and 32.9 years at the two stations , respectively .