
  • 网络cambridge;Combridge;C.Bridge
  1. 3.有些读者对于我在前一篇文章中采纳康桥咨询公司(CambridgeAssociates)数据的做法颇有微词,认为这有失公允。

    Some readers complained about selection bias in a prior piece I wrote utilizing Cambridge associates data .

  2. 而像美国康桥咨询公司(CambridgeAssociates)这样的研究公司,每天的工作就是比较不同基金的相对表现。

    And research firms like Cambridge associates have been built around comparing the relative performance of various funds .

  3. 美国康桥咨询公司(CambridgeAssociates)编制的指数显示,去年第一季度美国风投资本的十年年化回报率达到10%。

    The annualised 10-year return for US venture capital reached 10 per cent in the first quarter of last year , according to a Cambridge Associates index .

  4. 我当时住在康桥(Cambridge),靠在书店当店员勉强维持生计。一场漫长的恋情破裂,我痛苦万状。

    I was living in Cambridge , barely supporting myself working as a bookstore clerk , profoundly depressed by the collapse of a long relationship , and utterly stalled in my efforts to write fiction .

  5. 康桥进入新加坡已有近十年时间。

    Cambridge has had a footprint in Singapore for nearly a decade .

  6. 入住康桥商务宾馆是您商务、旅游钟意的选择。

    Cambridge business hotel is your hotel business , tourist attractie choice .

  7. 康桥的灵性全在一条河上;

    The very soul of Cambridge is in a river .

  8. 夏虫也为我沉默,沉默是今晚的康桥!

    Even summer insects keep silence for me Silent is Cambridge tonight !

  9. 微妙的灵魂的秘密&重读《再别康桥》

    The Subtle Secrets of the Soul & Rereading Farewell to Cambridge ;

  10. 在康桥地区创造出一个具有地标性的办公工作环境区域。

    Create a new approach for the office environment within Kangqiao district .

  11. 上海康桥工业园区孕育着高端现代服务业商务区

    Shanghai Kangqiao Industrial Park is breeding a high level modern service commercial district

  12. 依然记得,那对年轻的恋人在大学里有一个关于康桥的梦想。

    The two lovers had a dream about Cambridge when they were in college .

  13. 复旦附中上海康桥学校。

    Shanghai Kangqiao School Affiliated to fudan .

  14. 让歌剧《再别康桥》能够被更多人所喜爱。

    Let the opera " farewell to Cambridge " can be more loved by the people .

  15. 康桥水都城市中心

    The Cambridge Waters Town Centre

  16. 不过,郑伟旭表示,康桥也希望加强面向中国机构的咨询业务。

    But Mr Tay says the firm is also hoping to increase its consulting business with Chinese institutions .

  17. 康河边迎风起舞的水仙&徐志摩《再别康桥》与华兹华斯《咏水仙》之比较

    Daffodiles Dancing in Breeze beside the River of Cambridge & Comparison between Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again and The Daffodiles

  18. 啊,那些清晨,那些黄昏,我一个人发痴似的在康桥!

    Ah , those early mornings , those dusks , and I alone in Cambridge , as in a trance !

  19. 探索·选择·思考&关于小剧场歌剧《再别康桥》的音乐创作

    Explore , Choice , And Thinking , On The Music Composition Of The Opera Saying Goodbye To Cambridge Again LITTLE STONE

  20. 公司新厂房位于上海市康桥工业园区新场分区,紧靠浦东新区,交通便利、地理位置优越。

    Our new company is located in Xingchang industrial park in Pudong new area , enjoys convenient traffic and geographic advantages .

  21. 《再别康桥》有着沉潜厚重的复杂情感,且蕴含着极强的社会意义。

    The Book Farewell to Kang Qiao contains deep and profound and complicated emotions , and also an extremely strong social consciousness .

  22. 1928年,在第三次造访剑桥市后,徐志摩写下了名诗《再别康桥》。

    Xu wrote the famous poem , Second Farewell to Cambridge , in 1928 , after his third visit to the city .

  23. 除了亨特以外,康桥可能也会派其他专业人士前往北京。但目前还无法得知有关该办事处组织结构的详情。

    Other professionals may join Mr Hunter in Beijing , though details are not yet available on the structure of the office .

  24. 沉默的康桥既是诠释诗人寂然内心的生动的诗歌意象,又是诗歌主旨之载体。

    The silent Cambridge annotates a vivid images deep in the poet 's mind , and is also a carrier of poem gist .

  25. 从那时候起,就在心里编织着美丽的梦,以后一定要去康桥看夕阳。

    From that time on , I had a beautiful dream that some day I would go to Cambridge to watch the sunset .

  26. 来自康桥的克莱尔在发言中,描述了她第一次如何失去对身体的控制,但是仍然处于“完全清醒”状态的情景。

    Claire , from Cambridge , described how she first loses her speech and vision before her body buckles-but she remains completely " awake " .

  27. 本文试图整理出《再别康桥》八十多年的接受概况,呈现其整体的接受风貌。

    This paper attempts to organize 80 years of acceptable profiles of " Saying Good-bye to Cambridge again ,", showing its overall acceptance of style .

  28. 与同类型楼盘“保利康桥”相比较,“华标品峰”在交通、经济和单位户型等方面更具优势。

    Compared with the same type event Baoli Cambridge , Huabiao Pinfeng wins in the transportation , the economic , the apartment units and so on .

  29. 刻有《再别康桥》首尾诗句的花岗岩石已成为剑桥最受游客欢迎的景点之一。

    The poem 's first and last lines have been carved into a granite stone that has become one of Cambridge 's most popular tourist attractions .

  30. 各个版本的编者对《再别康桥》作出了不同的处理,体现出各自的编写特色,也存在着一些缺陷。

    Each version of the editor of " Saying Good-bye to Cambridge again ," have made a different treatment , but there are also some shortcomings .