
  • 网络Chianti;Romance Conti
  1. 康帝是托斯卡纳地区知名的葡萄酒。

    Chianti is the well known wine from Tuscany .

  2. 香港——六瓶1990年的勃艮第罗曼尼-康帝(Romanée-Conti)上个月在佳士得拍卖,最终以98万港币(约合78万人民币)的价格卖给亚洲买主。

    HONG KONG - Six bottles of 1990 Roman é e-Conti Burgundy sold to an Asian buyer at a Christie 's auction in Hong Kong last month for 980000 Hong Kong dollars ( $ 126345 ) .

  3. 香港拍卖会上的拍品包括六瓶产于1999年的罗曼尼•康帝干红葡萄酒(Romanee-ContiGrandCru),同这些葡萄酒一起拍卖的是1999年曼联队在欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)上夺冠时穿的球衣。

    Among the items on offer in Hong Kong : Six bottles of 1999 Roman é e-Conti Grand Cru paired with a Manchester United shirt from the team 's Champions League triumph in 1999 .

  4. 庞帝庄康帝珍藏干红来自托斯卡纳知名的康帝产区。

    From the famous Tuscan area Chianti , comes the Chianti Riserva .

  5. 康帝国际酒店概况:康帝国际酒店是惠州市首家按白金五星级标准兴建的商务旅游饭店。

    HOTEL OVERVIEW : Kande International Hotel is the first platinum five star standard hotel in Huizhou .

  6. 弗格森所收藏的大量来自罗曼尼·康帝酒庄的葡萄酒是全世界每一位收藏家都希望拥有的。

    e-Conti , Mr. Ferguson has a wine that every collector in the world would like to own .

  7. 在康帝的意大利西餐厅,近日出现了这样一位神秘人物。

    A fresh face shows up in the Italian restaurant these days who devotes himself to cooking delicious Italian dishes .

  8. 康帝酒店品牌独创的先进管理理念以严谨高效的管理和真诚的服务为国内外宾客提供一个温馨的家外之家。

    Kande International Hotel provides overseas and domestic guests with luxury accommodation and is operated by a diligent and efficient management team and service staff .

  9. 买的放心,吃的开心&康帝糖果有限公司保证所供应给您的都是高品质,价格合理的产品。

    Kandy is a fully Singapore owned company with operations in Fujian , China to ensure that you receive quality products at the best possible price .

  10. 有上面几道大菜,195.67美元的鹅肝酱和326.12美元的神户牛肉便宜得如同儿戏。还没有提到酒单,酒品包含一瓶27720.20美元的曼尼·康帝,由罗曼尼·康帝酒庄出品。

    The dinner will be accompanied by an expensive selection of wine which included a $ 27720.20 bottle of La Romanee-Conti , Domaine de la Romanee-Conti , according to reports .

  11. 以惠州康帝国际酒店设计为例,对其总平面设计及建筑平面功能布置作了阐述,从顶部设计、房设计、筑色彩设计等方面,探讨了立面设计方法。

    It illustrates site planning and plane arrangement of function according to design of Kangdi international hotel in huizhou , and researches faade design method from design of top design of podium and design of building color .