
  • 网络Romulus
  1. 本部分首先从传说中的罗马王政时期开始,由罗慕路斯起的四个王奠定了罗马最初的土地制度。

    This section first from the legendary Roman monarchy period , played by Romulus four king laid the first Roman land system .

  2. 神话故事中的野孩子最有名的要数罗马城的建立者罗慕路斯和雷穆斯。

    The most famous of all the fairy tales about wild children , however , are Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome .

  3. 罗慕路斯和雷穆斯故事的核心是:兄弟俩取代了其他孩子的位置,养父母把他们抚养长大。

    The very heart of the Romulus and Remus story : brothers take the rightful place of others , foster parents bring up other people 's children .