- 名honorific appellation;respectful title
- 动call respectfully

But Lamar tipped his hat to the elder star , declaring " Jay for president ! " as he collected the best rap album award .
Even journalists are referred to by status-laden honorifics .
The Source of the Honorific " Nin "
This paper analyses from some examples the gains and losses of Chinese honorifics and terms of humility in pragmatic translation .
The Spring and Autumn era , in the Central Plains earth was born a ideological giants , the honorific " Xunzi " .
It not only contains numerous and intricate kinship terms but also includes the honorifics and self-abasing terms that respect others and debase the speaker himself .
Whereas , English deictic system is very simple for it has no self-abasing terms , fewer honorifics and its kinship terms are never used as social deixis .
Sheldon : No. - Sheldon 's mom : I 'm sorry , did I start that sentence with the words , " if it please your highness " ?
They are watching the live broadcast of real time changes in share prices on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , courtesy of Industry Securities , a large stock broking firm .
There are some differences different in language use . These differences not only in the translation of kinship terms also reflected in the respect that and him , said the translation .
Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister . With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year !
Third , many modest and respective title was created in this period , or while the title did not mean modest and respective in ancient times , it was used to be modest and respective one in this period .