
jìng lǎo yuàn
  • old folks' home;geracomium;old people's home;home of respect for the aged
敬老院 [jìng lǎo yuàn]
  • [home of respect for the aged] 养老院

敬老院[jìng lǎo yuàn]
  1. B:是的,我去了。我和朋友去了敬老院,玩得很开心。

    B : Yes , I did . I went to the old people 's house with my friends and had a good time .

  2. 一个夜晚,一家人把年迈体虚的老母亲送到了敬老院,希望她在那里能得到悉心的照顾。

    One evening a family brings their frail , elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her , hoping she will be well cared for .

  3. 晋祠敬老院建筑的构成与设计构思

    Building Composition & Design Conception of Jinci Old Folks ' Home

  4. 我们赶快把她抬到教堂开的敬老院。

    We had to shovel her into the good shepherd home .

  5. 我希望敬老院的人会很欣赏你。

    I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you .

  6. 我反对把老人送到敬老院去。

    I object to old people being sent to the nursing home .

  7. 如今,当人们随着年龄的增长,我们会送他们去敬老院。

    Nowadays when people grow old , we often send them to nursing homes .

  8. 你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗?

    Can you tell me what the difference is between nursing home and hospital ?

  9. 北京市郊区两所敬老院健康养老现状与问题初探

    A primary study on health service status in old folks ′ home in suburbs of Beijing

  10. 第一次去敬老院看望奶奶,埃莉诺直想哭。

    The first time they visited Grandma in the nursing home , Eleanor wanted to cry .

  11. 无围墙敬老院开启养老新途径

    The Senior Center Without Enclosing Wall : Opening a New Way to Provide for the Aged People

  12. 集中供养一般通过举办社会福利院、敬老院、疗养院、儿童福利院等福利机构进行;

    Concentrated establishments include social welfare homes , old-age homes , sanitariums , and children 's welfare homes .

  13. 不管我们是在教育方面帮助孩子们,还是在敬老院照顾老人们。

    Whether we are helping children with their schooling , or caring for the elderly in nursing homes .

  14. 敬老院负责人代表全体老人对局团委的慰问表示感谢。

    Person in charge on behalf of all elderly nursing home Youth League game of the sympathy expressed his thanks .

  15. 你的家人可以不用去敬老院,因为她们可以跟我们住在一起。

    And your folks don 't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us .

  16. 该法案还指出,对于住在敬老院等护理机构的老人,子女也要经常去探望以尽孝道。

    Family members should also pay regular visits to their parents who live in nursing institutions , according to the regulation .

  17. 中国东北部黑龙江省一敬老院发生火灾,目前已确定火灾起因是人为纵火。

    Arson has been confirmed as the cause of a fire in a nursing home in northeast China 's Heilongjiang Province .

  18. 这位名叫艾迪的老奶奶曾经做了400多件手工物品,送给了这所敬老院的老人们--其中包括围巾,眼镜盒和锅垫。

    Edie has produced over 400 handmade items -- scarves , eye glass cases , pot holders -- for the seniors at the center .

  19. 例如,有一个项目是大学生们到敬老院采访老人,帮助他们撰写回忆录。

    For example , in one project , students went to a home for the aged to interview old people and write memoires for them .

  20. 本文以实例阐叙了敬老院建筑的主要构成以及建筑设计处理手法。

    By using actual examples this paper expounds the main composition and handing method of architectural design of the buildings of old folks ' home .

  21. 如果老人到敬老院住,他们会觉得自己没有价值了,被家人遗弃了,同时感到绝望。

    If the senior people live in the nursing house , they will regard themselves worthless , being abandoned by their families , and feel desperate .

  22. 方法对北京市郊区两所敬老院的管理人员进行专题小组讨论,对入住两所敬老院的老人进行问卷调查。

    Methods Group discussion was carried out among the managers of two old folks ′ homes in Beijing suburbs , and those elders were interviewed with questionnaires .

  23. 你可以为别人开门,或者去敬老院看望那些孤独的老人,或者清除别人家行车道上的积雪。

    You might like holding a door open for people , visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes , or shoveling snow off someone else 's driveway .

  24. 结果两所敬老院的入住率均达100%,但医护人员配置都较少,膳食安排缺乏营养专业人员指导。

    Results The admitting rate was as high as 100 % , but the medical staffs were insufficient , and the food arrangement was not professionally guided .

  25. 为了填补这一空白,全国各地的志愿者在10月28日出现在敬老院与这些老人相伴。

    To fill this void , many volunteers turned up on October 28 at nursing homes around the country in order to spend time with the residents .

  26. 农村税费改革之后,农村五保供养工作遇到了一些新的情况和新的问题,如供养经费难以落实,供养水平偏低,农村敬老院建设落后等。

    After taxation fee reform , five guarantees encounter new problems such as shortage of supporting expenses , low supporting level and backward old folk 's home .

  27. 结论敬老院健康养老的社会需求很大,社会各部门应加强对敬老院的支持和管理。

    Conclusion There is a great need for living in an old folks ′ home in the society . Relevant public departments should enhance their support and management .

  28. 你可以为别人开门,或者去敬老院看望那些孤独的老人,或者清除别人行车道上的积雪。

    You might like holding a door open for people , visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes , or shoveling snow off someone else ' s driveway .

  29. 你可以为别人开门,或者去敬老院看望那些孤独的老人,或者清除行车道上的积雪。

    You might like holding a door open for people , visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes , or , shoveling snow off someone else 's driveway .

  30. 中国正在建立集体供养、国家救济、兴办敬老院相结合的五保供养保障体系。

    China is now in the process of establishing a five-guarantee system by combining collective support , state relief and the construction of homes of respect for the aged .