
jìng jiǔ
  • toast;propose a toast
敬酒 [jìng jiǔ]
  • [propose a toast] 祝酒;提议为干杯

敬酒[jìng jiǔ]
  1. 先得由主人敬酒。

    It 's for the host to propose a toast first .

  2. 请允许我敬酒,我们的友谊!

    Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship !

  3. 我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。

    Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs

  4. 大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。

    All of us drank a toast to the bride and bridegroom .

  5. 新郎向主人敬酒结束了他的讲话

    The bridegroom ended his speech by proposing a toast to the hosts .

  6. 通常来说,替酒师由指定司机选择,他要接受所有针对该司机的敬酒、干杯以及饮酒游戏邀请。

    The designated drunk is usually chosen by the driver . The designated drunk will take all offers of toasts , shots , and drinking competitions in place of the driver .

  7. 就连马克?吐温在如日中天时也承认,当他爬上一张桌子向尤利西斯?S?格兰特(UlyssesS.Grant)将军敬酒时,他感到心惊胆寒。

    Even Mark Twain , at the height of his fame , confessed that he ' was in awful terror ' as he climbed onto a table to toast Gen. Ulysses S. Grant .

  8. Hollande先生的社会党政府的上任使他们有了强大的朋友,或至少表明了这一点:文化部长AurelieFilippetti出现在工厂外用香槟向抗议者敬酒。

    The accession of Mr Hollande 's Socialist government has brought them powerful friends , or at least demonstrative ones : Aurelie Filippetti , the minister of culture , turned up outside the mill to toast the protesters with champagne .

  9. 如果你这么做,就是自己给自己敬酒。

    No. If you do , then you 're toasting yourself .

  10. 国王是军官们第一个敬酒祝贺的人。

    The King was the first toast drunk by the officers .

  11. 好啦,祝你幸运!我向你敬酒。

    Well , here 's luck ! I look towards you .

  12. 我想他才有权利来敬酒。

    I think it 's only right that he should do it .

  13. 这必须在敬酒和演讲之前。

    It needs to happen before the toasts and speeches .

  14. 让主人第一个敬酒。

    Allow the event host to make the first toast .

  15. 让我们举杯向所有的母亲敬酒。

    Lift our glasses high in honor of all mothers .

  16. 喝点香槟,向新人敬酒

    Have some champagne , toast the newlyweds , huh ?

  17. 宾客们向这对幸福佳偶敬酒。

    The guests drank a toast to the happy couple .

  18. 人们提议向你敬酒。

    A toast has been proposed in your honor .

  19. 那,允许我敬酒以表我的感激之情。

    Well , allow me to propose a toast to express my gratitude .

  20. 我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒?

    Do you want to refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit ?

  21. 还要用香槟多次敬酒。

    There will also be many toasts with champagne .

  22. 他提议向女王敬酒。

    He propose a loyal toast to the queen .

  23. 伏特加是用来敬酒的,不能啜饮。

    Vodka is for toasting , not sipping .

  24. 在特别的场合,我常向朋友举杯敬酒。

    On the special occasion , I always share a toast with my friend .

  25. 不管是敬酒还是结束会议,它都是一句完美的全功能语句。

    This is a perfect all-purpose sentence for toasting , or closing a meeting .

  26. 在外国人看来,这里转圈敬酒的习俗颇令人尴尬。

    For a foreigner , the practice of surrounding toasts here can be embarrassing .

  27. occasion:场合,机会,理由toast:敬酒,干杯,祝酒如果要找个地方值得干杯,这就是时候。

    If there was ever an occasion for the toast , this is it .

  28. 所以现在要敬酒,请举起你们的杯子和香槟酒杯。

    So here 's a toast , please raise your glasses and champagne flutes .

  29. 你想敬酒不吃吃罚酒?

    You really want it the hard way ?

  30. 我想这值得敬酒!

    I think that calls for a toast !