- 名cassava

[cassava] 木薯属几种植物的任何一种,尤指其中的一种,根状茎肉质,产生一种有营养的淀粉,在整个热带地区被栽培,作为主食
Specific Nucleic Acids in Host Plant Infected by Indian Cassava Mosaic Geminivirus
The extraction and cloning of cassava mosaic geminivirus replicative DNA and the construction of their dimers
This paper studied modified pregelatinized starches crystalline properties .
Groups of Important Agronomic Traits of Cassava Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis
The composites achieved excellent mechanical properties when the dosage of Cassava Starch was 20 shares and RF 2.5 shares .
AFLP analysis of genetic diversity within and among Guangxi main cassava cultivars
Engineering Application of ABR Technology for Cassava Alcohol Wastewater Pretreatment
SAS Analysis of Cassava Fertilizer Application Experiment
The genetic background of some cassava germplasms in China was studied using chromosome C-banding and RAPD techniques .
Anaerobic Study on Wastewater Treatment of Cassava Alcohol with UASB
Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Treatment of Cassava Alcohol Wastewater with UASB Reactor
The scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction showed that there was good irascibility and compatibility between the PUE and ECS .
The effects of different operation conditions such as the hydraulic retention time , the ozone dosage and the circulation ratio were investigated .
The influence of solid-state fermentation conditions on phytase production with cassava dregs using Aspergillus niger PD strain was studied .
With the change of the starch content in blended pastes , the change of the separation rate shows a type of " U " curve .
Analyses of the Genetic Diversity in Cassava Germplasm by Using SRAP Markers
The results suggested that various concentrations of 6-BA had different effects in inducing adventitious buds .
After Cassava Starch was xanthated , its strengthen effect on NR was obviously observed and the properties of composite improved greatly .
The technological conditions of fabricated edible composite films from cassava starch were investigated systemically , and effects of main factors on the films ' properties were also studied .
FTIR data suggested no new functional groups on the molecular chain of starch irradiated by microwave , only the infrared crystalline indices of the starch samples slightly decreasing .
The cassava DNA also was amplified with the litchi , the melon and peanut 's SSR primers in the experiment , and the results confirmed that the transferability of SSR primers was not incapable .
Application of Blended FV-I Modified PVA with Cross-Linked Tapioca Starch in High Temperature Sizing of T / C Fine Cloth
The single and cooperative applications of IBA and CC all accelerated the photosynthesis of cassava , the sequence of such applications was IBA + CC > CC > IBA > CK .
The protein feed produced from the cassava dregs mixed with root mould R2 of high resolution for crude starch and yeast As 2.617 with high protein content was studied .
Regardless of what way the storage of cassava , the respiratory mechanisms are not changed . Sand storage can significantly reduce the respiration of cassava , the highest peak was 50 CO2mg / ( kg-h ) lower than half of atmosphere and sodium handling .
TN in tailing pond , eucalypt forest and cassava land were in the lower levels , the remaining samples were reached the level grade ⅱ above of the grading index of soil fertility .
Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect . Application of ICP-MS to Detection of Mineral Elements and Heavy Metals in Cassava 's Byproducts
After comparing the properties of modified-corn-starch film with that of modified-tapioca film , the formula of modified-corn-starch film are investigated further , including the amounts of plasticizer , calcium salts , alanine , and sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC-Na ) .
All the44 cassava germplasms could be distinguished by S76 and S32 and the two primers could be used to set up their RAPD fingerprints .
The cassava mosaic disease before the epidemic was caused by isolates of ACMV .