
mù shū
  • wooden comb
木梳 [mù shū]
  • [wooden comb] 梳理头发用的木制梳子

  1. 用意杨压缩木替代传统木梳材料的研究

    Study on the Substitute of Chinese Wooden Comb Material

  2. 柔性生产在常州木梳生产中的应用

    Flexible Manufacturing System Applied in Traditional Wooden Comb Manufacture

  3. 《木梳路段》蜿蜒曲折的山路形状像梳子一样。

    The comb-shape road The zigzag road looks like a comb from afar .

  4. 木梳在中国已流传数千年。

    Wood comb have long history in china ( for thousands years ) .

  5. 有时把铜镜和木梳一起放在漆匣内或小荷包里。

    Sometimes , bronze mirrors and combs were put together in lacquer boxes or small pouches .

  6. 她取下插在头发上的木梳,放下我所见过的最长最美丽的一卷头发,然后从头发里拿出一个小包裹。

    She took out her tucking comb and let fall the longest and most beautiful roll of hair I have ever seen .

  7. 谭木匠公司擅长制作木梳,他们的梳子流传甚广,为中国人带来了很多美丽的故事(回忆)。

    Carpenter Tan company is good at making wood combs , and their combs are popular in China to bring nice memories .

  8. 方法采取本室获得正式授权的国家发明专利对鹤山市出土的明代古墓骨骸和陪葬品木梳、发簪及馆藏的民族服装进行塑化保存。

    Methods The national invent patent special for preserving the biological relics was carried out to manage the specimens of bones from ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty and housed dress in Heshan museum .

  9. 木梳在中国传统生活和文化中是不可缺少的一种用具和艺术品,随着时代的发展,技术和材料的发展与变迁,木梳在人们生活中的角色发生了变化。

    The wood comb in the traditional chinese life and culture is a kind of equipment and artistic . As the times progress and Technology and material development it have changed in the people living .