
mù shuān xì bāo
  • cork cell
  1. 软木,也称栓皮,是栓皮栎或栓皮槠树皮的一部分,主要由木栓细胞组成软而厚的木栓层(外皮)。

    Cork , is part of the bark of cork oak or cork White . Mainly composed of cork cells forma soft , thick cork layer ( skin ) .

  2. 结果:证明其有效成分为挥发油、黄酮类化合物,主要显微特征为茎木栓细胞和叶栅栏组织均含黄棕色物质;茎和叶表皮外均被有众多非腺毛和少数腺毛;

    RESULTS : These studies have proven its effective components are volatile oils and flavonoids and its main microscopic features are that phellem cells in its stem and palisade tissues contain some yellow-brown ingredients , In addition Its stems and leaves are covered by fuzzy secretory and non-secretory extra-epidermis cells .

  3. 西北中生界煤系烃源岩中普遍含有木栓质体,它来源于植物周皮的木栓化细胞壁。

    Suberinite occurs commonly in Mesozoic coal measures and terrestrial organic matter source rocks in Northwest China , which is formed from suberized cell walls , particularly in plant periderm .