
jǐ zhuànɡ tū qǐ
  • ridge
  1. 胸部有脊状突起并附着有用于飞行的肌肉的鸟。

    Birds having keeled breastbones for attachment of flight muscles .

  2. 在包括鼻孔的前部(前庭)后,有三个卷曲的脊状突起(鼻甲)垂直地将气道分隔。

    Behind the front section ( vestibule ), which includes the nostrils , it is divided vertically by three convoluted ridges ( conchae ) into air passages .

  3. 象脊或龙骨的,有脊或龙骨的;成脊状突起的。

    Shaped like or having a carina or keel ; ridged .

  4. 具脊的,成冠突的具有或形成冠状或脊状突起的尺骨冠突前内侧面的解剖研究及临床意义

    Having or forming a crest or crista . The Anatomic Study and Clinical Value of the Anteromedial Facet of the Ulna Coronoid Process